Well K is doing MUCH better!! She has been eating very well since yesterday and she's got firm poop again! What a great thing to be excited about but after pure water coming from both ends the past week, this is great news!
Anyway, just wanted to update since she is doing so well. Also, a couple nights ago I started putting Kaitlyn down to bed and leaving the room. So far she has been doing excellent at going to sleep on her own. Once in awhile she will cry a little bit but she is doing a great job. I can't believe what a big girl she is now. Tonight was wonderful too, I simply put her in bed and told her that it was her turn to go "Night night" and that mommy would come down later when it was her turn. I gave her a kiss and told her Good night and didnt hear a peep out of her and she went right to sleep. She is still falling asleep in our bed but still she is doing it on her own and I no longer have to lay down with her to get her to sleep! Soon she will be going to sleep in her OWN bed... then... in her OWN room!!
Not sure if I'm ready for all this growing up, to be quite honest. I'm beginning to miss those times with her. I love cuddling with her while she goes to sleep but there are times when I dont want to. I just know that she is getting to be a big girl and soon she wont need mommy for any of that anymore. Soon we will probably be fighting and at each others throats like all mothers and daughters are. I have to admit that I actually like when she comes over to me in the middle of the night saying "mama" and wanting to come up in bed with us. I think her being in her own bed all the time might be harder on ME than it is her. Oh well... she does have to grow up but I feel like I miss her sometimes even though I'm with her all day.
Anyway, I cant remember if I mentioned this before but we signed Kaitlyn up for a class at Orly's Treehouse and it starts this week on Friday... though I dont think she is going to like the class much. I'm going to be switching her over to the class her little 2yr old twin cousins are in on Mondays so the girls can all play together and then their mom and I can chat too!! It should be a great class since it's in the Olympic gym and they get to play with balls and things. I think it will work out much better than the class I originally signed her up for... it wasnt all that fun when we went in for the trial class.
Ok it's time for mommy's to get some sleep, especially emotional ones! I'm so happy my little monkey is feeling better, man I love her so much!!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Thursday, April 05, 2007
The "Good Boo Boo"

When we got up this morning K was so lethargic and wasnt talking or walking around or anything. She just laid and cried and could hardly stay awake. I finally called the Dr and walked over there (in the snow!) and he checked her out and noticed she was dehydrated. He said we had a good chance of bringing her back if I could get her to drink some fluids but when we got home and I did manage to get some juice in her she barfed it all back up within a few minutes after drinking it. I called the Dr back and he sent us immediately to the hospital.
It took about 8 hours of IV fluids (two of them bolouses(sp?)) to get her hydrated again and to the point where she was able to go pee. According to her blood work she was just one number away from being admitted so we were lucky! She did great in the hospital though... it was rough for her to get the IV but the PA who put the line in was great. She was quick and did a great job and K cried but only for a little bit. K handled it so well! We were both so proud of her!! The whole time she was there with the IV in she kept pointing to her arm and saying "oohhh bo bo" (translated that is Ow, boo boo) and Jon just kept explaining to her that it was a "Good Boo boo" and that it was going to make her feel better and she wouldnt be sick anymore. She seemed very happy with that explaination and went about her business of sitting there staring at Dora (which the Child Life Specialists had put on for her).
I'm just very proud of her... it was a long day and we are ALL crabby and tired and it's time for bed! She is such a big girl!!!
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