I could probably sit here and write a book about all the things Kaitlyn has been doing in the past almost two months, however, I wont. There is no way I could remember it all anyway. She is chatting away like crazy, new words come everyday and she finally started saying two word sentences! She does get a little lost when she tries two or more syllable words but she is getting so much better!!
We joke and call Kaitlyn an Elephant... this little girl remembers EVERYthing! She knows where the railroad tracks are that we go over on the way to Jon's work and she even remembers ANYthing we tell her. There is no saying "later" to her and thinking she will forget. She remembers... and then asks for it later!!! She's so smart it almost hurts!! Hahahaha
K's also had a bit of some issues for the last two months. She is MUCH better now but for the last two months she had diarrhea and could not get over it. We ended up taking her completely off dairy and she was drinking Rice milk and getting Acidophilus and Florastor twice a day to try and replenish her normal flora in her belly. She also ended up gaining over a pound in a month! She is now 33 1/2 inches tall and weighs 26lbs... she's getting so big now, she is definitely not a baby anymore.
Well almost every morning Kaitlyn and I go for a walk and go to the park. I stop at the Deli and get my coffee and when we get to the park K wants to swing & swing & swing on the swings. She usually will stay on them for at least a half hour. It's fun and gets us both out of the house for an hour or so and we love spending the time together without the tv going or the computer.
We've also been very busy this summer because we are buying a house! We found a beautiful house upstate, NY in Schenectady. Jon will be going back to work at Albany Medical Center and I will continue to stay home with K. I may go get a little part time job since Jon will be working evenings and that will give me a chance to make a little extra money and also give me a break from watching K 24/7.
K's not really understanding that we are going to have a new house but I keep telling her. She is having a hard time with the fact that I have packed up a lot of her toys. I just make sure to keep telling her about the new house and how the big orange moving truck is going to come and take all of our things and her toys to our new house soon. We're moving Aug 24th but we will be heading up there next weekend for the closing and to clean and get the house ready to move in.
I hope that once we get moved in a settled in the new house I will have more time to update Kaitlyn's blog. Until then...