Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Well we have noticed this week that Kaitlyn has started following or Tracking as they call it just about anything she fixes her eyes on. Even Daddy or Mommy walking across the room! Jon even walked out of the room and she kept pushing her head back trying to see where he went!! It's great to see these little but amazing things!! She smiles and giggles more now and you can just about MAKE her smile by tickling her or playing with her or giving her kisses. She is also "talking" a lot more. Lots of coos, grunts, sighs and giggles... of course then there is always crying as a form of communication which she has down pat! hehehe

Today Kaitlyn found it quite funny that she cried to get my attention and when I looked at her and asked her what was wrong she looked right at me and giggled!!! She is such a snot already! I just love her so much... she is so damn cute!!

We did have a huge crying fit last night and today already. It seems she must be going through a growing thing... I mean she is 5 weeks old now. She just keeps acting hungry, but then she throws up what she eats... or most of it. Speaking of her throwing things up, the Dr was trying to get us in for an ultrasound to make sure Kaitlyn doesnt have Pyloric Stenosis. Pyloric Stenosis is when the muscle at the bottom of the stomach has overgrown and is thick and doesnt let food go through into the intestines or only lets a little and the stomach doesnt empty. Then the baby will throw up and sometimes throw up so hard it's projectile! I'm not sure if thats what she has or if she just throws up a lot, but I do know it upsets her so much to throw up. I try to tell her it's ok and calm her down to clean her up but she still screams... I feel so bad for her. I hate to see her hurting and it really makes me feel so helpless to hear her cry and not be able to do anything to help her but hold her and hug and kiss her and tell her I love her while she screams.

She is awake so much more now too and thats great, except that I'm trying to pack!!! hahaha We're moving in exactly one week and I am not nearly ready. Oh and she also holds her head up almost all the time... she does get tired but she is very good about keeping it up if you hold her sitting up or standing. She's getting so big already!!

I can already tell she is bigger than a few weeks ago... I used to be able to easily put my fingers around her tighs and now she's gotten heavier so I can barely get them around now! She is still tiny and amazingly beautiful but growing like a weed!! :)

Well I need to get a few things done before she wakes up to eat so I'll update again as soon as I can!

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