Well the title of my journal entry says it all!! Sometimes life is hard even on the little ones!
Kaitlyn is doing well in the growing department... well with weight anyway. We have her 3 month check up on September 13th. We did end up going to her Pediatrician a couple days ago because her meds didnt seem to be working anymore. She got started on the Zantac at her last appointment over two weeks ago... a week and a half later she started puking and spitting up and screaming during and after feedings again and just being in pain again. I felt so bad for her and I knew something had to be done. I serisouly cant just sit by and watch my little girl hurt like that. Anyway, on the 1st when we went to the Dr, she was 11.5 pounds and she needed her dosage upped for her meds... that was why they weren't working as well for her. So far she is doing well again with the new dosage. When she has a bad day like she did they tend to run over into the next couple days. So she had a rough go at eating for the last couple days and she only ate 7 ounces Thursday and 12 yesterday... today she seems to be doing a bit better though.
Since Kaitlyn started the Zantac we noticed she is aspirtating a lot more and choking... we even have to be VERY careful changing her diaper. We lay her down and she has the chance of choking on her reflux. It happened to Jon the other night... it's so scary when it happens and since she is choking on fluid there is nothing we can do about it but sit and watch and hope we dont have to perform CPR. So far (knock on wood) we havent had to and she gets herself out of the episodes, but it's still the worst thing for a parent to watch!! It just makes the rest of your day a complete mess and you're nervous and worried that she may have more!
She is still sleeping very well, she goes to bed at about 11pm and wakes up at about 6:30 or 7am. Good for Mommy and Daddy!! She doesnt nap much at all during the day... 15 minutes here and there so I really don't get too much done during the day but at least I sleep!! hahahaha Oh yeah! She is oficially bigger because she does not fit in her size Small Onesies anymore!!! It's so weird to think she is REALLY growing. I broke out the next size and got them washed and ready for her to wear today.
She has been hanging out in her swing a lot more but she is so good at holding up her head and REALLY wants to sit up, that I think I am going to get her Exersaucer put together soon for her so she can play in that instead. I think it will take up less room than the swing 'cause well... it's not like we're living in a mansion here! hahaha
Jon and I are so amazed by her more and more every day... we just love her so much and we cant get enough! She's getting big enough now that she is starting to cuddle with me now. I REALLY cant wait until we can hug and she knows what she is doing. I'm telling you... seeing her beautiful smile just makes you melt! She LOVES to flirt with daddy too... she makes this cute face, smiles and sticks her tongue out when he's looking her way. She loves him so much!!
We're finally going to put her crib together this week too. It's still sitting in the box in her room. She is still in the bassinet in our room right now but, to be honest, she is getting really long and almost reaches from top to bottom in the bassinet!!!
Oh I just have to mention how GREAT she is with eating her hands... no, a thumb or finger are not good enough for her she needs to eat half of her hand instead! I offer her pacifier and she pushes me away and WANTS to eat her hand, so I let her. She enjoys it so I'm not complaining! She has a great personality already too, this being a mom thing is very exciting - even with a "High needs" baby.
Oh, dont let me forget that our health insurance kicked in on Thursday (Sept 1st) as well so that will be a big help. We also have an appointment with a Pediatric Gastroenterologist, too, on the 6th next week... I will definitly post how that goes. It's actually at Schneider Children's Hospital where Jon went as a kid for his liver check ups!
Well it's medicine time so we will update again soon!
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