Monday, November 14, 2005

5 Months Old Now

We went to see the Pediatrician today who says Kaitlyn looks wonderful and healthy. She was a whopping 14lbs 13oz and 24 1/4" tall. Kaitlyn even thought it was funny when she farted at the Doctor while she was examining her! The Doctor also complimented me on how well I am doing as a parent. She said I have come a long way especially when having to deal with a baby with reflux. As far as Kaitlyn's reflux goes, she is doing very well... the Pediatric GI Dr increased her dosage of Zantac to 1mL 3x's a day now and since she did Kaitlyn hasn't needed Maalox much at all and has really only been whiney because of her teeth. She got two shots today too so I'm sure she will be crabby and have a fever for the next couple days. Thats ok though... thats what they make Tylenol for!

The Dr also said since Kaitlyn doesn't like the baby food veggies that we can start to let her taste whatever we're eating!! If we have veggies, we can smoosh 'em up and let her taste it. She said we can let her try anything we want... even meats. Of course they have to be chopped very very tiny but she said even just to get it in her mouth so she gets the taste is great. She gets to try a sippy cup soon too!! She's getting so big I can't believe it. I think it's time to put her in her highchair finally... still looking for a place to put the darn thing though! Hahahaha

I think we're going to take a big step too and put Kaitlyn to bed at night in her big girl crib. I think 5 months of sleeping in her bassinet next to mommy is long enough. It just means when she wakes up screaming, mommy's gotta run up the stairs to get her!! Oh well, I need the work out! She hasnt been waking up much lately so I think she'll be just fine! I think I'm the one that will miss her being there most!! hahahahaha Yeah mommy has some attachment issues but how could I not be attached to someone so amazing and beautiful?? I'm sure I'll be writing about how thats going down the road but we'll see how it goes.

Coming up this month Kaitlyn has 2 trips to go on!! This coming weekend, November 18th is Grandpa's 70th birthday so we're taking a trip home only for one day to see him for his birthday and we're going to see Grandma Debbie too. It's going to be so nice to see them and they can see how much Kaitlyn has grown. We're also going to be taking a trip again to Michigan in Dec to see Grandma Debbie for her birthday too! While we are there we are going to get together with Great Aunt Sheri and Uncle Glenn and Cousin Lindsey to have dinner and celebrate Christmas. We're very excited about that and can't wait to see everyone!!

We're going to take Kaitlyn to get her Christmas photo's done and a family photo. YAY! My very first family photo! It's just too bad we can't get the kitties in the picture with us... I'll have to put them in it with a picture editor!! hahahahaha

Well I'll add a picture of Kaitlyn in her Christmas dress when we go get the photos done. That's all for now!

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