Anyway, the last couple days I've noticed Kaitlyn is getting herself back to sitting if she is on her back. She rolls over to her belly and gets on her hands and knees and she can get back sitting up by herself finally. Thats one thing she was having trouble with. She's still not crawling yet, and still getting mad as heck when she tries, but she's making progress... she just doesnt know it yet! She still gets around to get her toys since Mommy lets her whine on the floor instead of going and getting everything for her and moving her where she needs to go. I hate hearing her upset but I know that if she doesnt get upset she wont push herself to learn to do it. She does great scooting around on the floor but really doesnt notice because she wants to crawl or walk so bad. I noticed when I'm really not paying attention to her and she knows I'm not, she doesnt scream and whine, she just plays and moves around on her butt to get whatever she wants. So I let her spend time on the floor and go to the bathroom or get involved in something so she can concentrate on playing.
Oh Yesterday she did another thing to prove she has a good memory! I pulled out her table and set it in front of her with the Spoon (the only thing that comes off the table - it's a rattle too) on the opposite side from her. Well my smart little cookie leaned over the table and grabbed the spoon. She remembered that was the one that came off and she wanted it! Kids really are smarter and understand a lot more than we think!!
So everyday Kaitlyn is getting better and better at standing and pulling up. She loves to pull up on the white wire shelving we have in the bathroom (which means I need to get something to anchor it to the wall) and she does it great! She's also getting great at pulling up on her Exersaucer and this morning she actually pulled up on the couch! Usually she needs something to wrap her hand around but now she just used the couch to do it. Yesterday she had to prove mommy wrong too! She was standing next to her Exersaucer and playing (she doesnt like going in it anymore) and I kept telling her to "hold on" like I do constantly. Well she decided to show Mommy that she didnt need to hold on and she could stand there on her own. So she turned her little head to look at me across the room as I said "hold on, Baby" she lets go and holds her hands out to the side and stood there on her own for about 2-3 seconds and then smiled and grabbed the Exersaucer again. She's a smart ass already just like Mommy and Daddy! All that did was make me believe more and more that she will be walking in the next couple months!
Kaitlyn is done going for rides in her swing as well and it's time to put it away. Everytime she goes in it now she grabs the legs on the swing and stops herself so there is no point in that anymore. So we have a lot of stuff to store away before it starts to snow and get too cold out to put it in the garage.
Ohhhhhhh yeah! She's also getting GREAT at grabbing her little "puffs" and putting them in her mouth. Though I can only give her a couple at a time because she puts them all in her mouth! She's mostly using the "rake" method to get the food in her hand and then puts her entire hand in her mouth to get the food in there. She is getting more control of her arms though and once in a while gets then between her thumb and index finger. She's almost got it and everyday we practice, about three times a day. She started getting three meals a day on Monday and it's been working out great. She gets cereal w/apples in the morning, some Fruit and Veggies in the afternoon and then a "Dinner" at night. Last night she had Chicken & Rice dinner and she seemed to like it. Though I can pretty much put anything her her mouth and she eats it! She likes food, just like Mommy!
I think that about sums up the week... it seems like a lot happens in a little time lately. It's amazing how fast she catches on with things! I just love her and her accomplishments, she makes me the happiest person alive!
Oww on the fall. Those hurt parents just as much as the kids.
Falls are definitely harder on the parent(s)! You did great! I can't believe how absolutely QUICKLY Kaitlyn is growing up - right before our eyes!
Hey girl!!! I haven't talked to you in ages!!! She's beautiful!
My little guy just started walking, and let me tell you, from what I read on your site, it won't be long until she is too!
Logan will be one year's old next month-has it really been that long since I've been pregnant? Haha...
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