Thursday, March 09, 2006

Off and Swimming

So Kaitlyn and I started swimming again and I forgot to mention it! She is doing great in the pool, really kicking her feet and generally having a good time. I'm very disappointed in the class this session, though. There is no set instructor and every week it's someone different. They don't know how to handle a class or hold the class like a class even. It's basically like we paid good money to go play in a pool together. It's very chaotic this time... like I said, I'm just very disappointed with it.

Oh and a while ago I started a "before bed routine" with Kaitlyn. Since I'm no good at remembering to read a book everynight right now, I decided it had to be something I could do with her in bed everynight. So I sing the alphabet in English and in Spanish, do numbers 0-10 in English and in Spanish and then until she falls asleep, I sing "our song." I start out with "You are my Sunshine" and then it turns into "You are my Kaitlyn, my little Kaitlyn." I just sing over and over and then she falls asleep usually holding my hand (well finger actually). It's just something special that her and I have together everynight... no matter what happened during the day!

Not much else to say right now.

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