Saturday, May 27, 2006

Wobbly Walker

Well I thought I would update a bit on Kaitlyn. Not much new to report other than she is still doing very well with her reflux! She has hardly puked at all in the last almost month. She did get sick for a few days and was puking more then but for the most part she has been doing wonderfully. We are still not thickening her formula and things are going great. I really think we are seeing some light here and that she really is outgrowing this mess! It took a year but it looks like we are here, finally!

The other thing Kaitlyn is getting so incredibly good at is walking! She now walks around our little space up here with out holding on to much. She will walk across at least half the room alone. She's getting so big!! She's been babbling a lot again too and I'm hoping a word or two might come out at some point... so far nothing but baby talk.

Kaitlyn is also getting so good at signing and she knows a lot of things already. All we have to do now is tell her to go push the button without pointing or looking at anything and she knows to go over and push the button on her Tunnel to make the music play. There are times she doesnt feel like going over to it and she will just look at it and point and make this cute grunt, as if to say, yeah it's over there. ha ha ha ha She knows where her ears are and her hair and Mama's Boo boo's (from my surgery), just so many things. She's very into the imitating stage and she does things we do now quite a bit! Not sure if I mentioned it before but she is very thoughtful when eating and offers me EVERYthing. Even if she has already had it in her mouth, she will take out the food and offer me some. It's adorable! I just have to tell her no, thank you, it's for you because I cant eat what she eats and well... who wants to eat something thats half eaten out of someone's mouth? Ha ha ha ha

She's so much fun now... last night we were "beeping" each others noses and she was cracking up... Oh how I LOVE her laugh! She was just laughing and laughing out loud every time she touched my nose and I said "beeeeeep"! She loved it!!! She would touch Daddy's nose and his nose made a "Hoooooonk" noise... it was so cute!

She's getting big too... really growing well!! We got out her 12 month clothes and she is now wearing them. They are working out great too with length and everything. Somethings are a little big but it will all work out! I still have to put all of the clothes in her drawers, but I did get the drawers cleaned out and they are ready to go!

I still can't believe we're planning Kaitlyn's 1st birthday party!! We sent out the invitations already and we're having it June 11th from 1-3pm. Jon is going to be making her cake and we also got a Carvel Ice cream cake (that was free from the Birthday club at the local grocery store). I'm going to be making all the food, there wont be much. We're doing deli meats w/bread, veggies and dip, Tuna & Macaroni salad and I'm going to make some Ham Rolls. I decided since my new life consists of lots of protein and no carbs and this is MY daughters party that these are the things we are having. No cookies, brownies, chips, crackers... nothing... the cakes are more than enough. Everything else needs to be healthy! I'm going to even get Light bread too White and Wheat and people will eat it or not. They wont even know the difference. I may think about making a fruit salad too but I think that will be enough food since it's only a 2 hour party!

Anyway, her party should be lots of fun and I got great decorations! Jon and I just wish Kaitlyn had some little kid friends to come to play with her... oh well, next year maybe! I wish my family was closer so they could come too but I think it will be nice having a small get together anyway!

Well... this turned out to be a big update... I'm sure I'll have more to say sometime soon. If not we'll definitely be updating after the party with pictures!

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Can't believe she's almost a year old already! Glad her reflux is doing better!