Friday, June 30, 2006
More Little Milestones
She's walking so much better and faster too... almost running! Daddy and her play a "gonna getcha" game and he chases her through the room and catches her in the hall way. She's getting so fast now. She also doesnt give me things like she used to. Before, I could ask her what she had or what she was eating and she would bring it to me. I guess she learned that when she does that I take things away from her. Now, she will show it to me from a few feet away and when I try to get it, she turns and runs! She's adorable too so I can't be mad about it, and hey, it gives me some exercise too having to chase her!
I just love how sturdy she is getting on her feet now, her dancing is getting so good. She's got rythm! She bends her knees and bounces now and she pushes up on to her toes and back down. She's not falling nearly as much when she does it, either. Oh and she is so cute too when she does those things and puts her hands up in the air, kinda like a "raise the roof" type thing but her palms are facing forward!
We're having so much fun now, SHE is so much fun now! Kaitlyn and I go for walks almost everyday and she just loves seeing the trees and all the new things around. I try to take a different route every day. Sometimes we even walk to the library. It's about a mile and a half so that gets my 3 miles in for the day.
So far K has been doing well on milk. We spent about a week switching her over and adding it to her formula and after a week we said forget it and gave her full milk. She did fine and she likes it. She's drinking 12-15 ounces if it a day, which the Dr said was fine. She also drinks TONS of water everyday and sometimes some juice. Needless to say, this kid pees a lot!!!!
We had to switch Kaitlyn over to the next size diaper too. The size 3's still fit her and had plenty of room but they were not long enough and were cutting into her hips and thighs. So now the 4's are big around the waist but good for length. Plus the bigger ones hold more fluid!!! ha ha ha
Anyway, she's such a big girl now and so independant! I'm so glad we are incorporating some attachment parenting into how we raise Kaitlyn because she is becoming such a wonderful little lady. She is so polite, sharing, empathetic and considerate. It's amazing that a one year old can be so intelligent! She knocks on every door before she enters, she offers you the food right out of her mouth, she gets upset when I'm sick... she is just so wonderful. I love her so much!
One other thing Kaitlyn has gotten good at is signing "phone." Whenever Grandma Lois' phone rings she puts her fist to her ear. Yesterday she was eating lunch and the phone rang and she did that and said "Dada." She wouldnt even finish her lunch because she kept signing phone, saying Dada and pointing at my cell phone. I guess she just knows that Daddy is the one who calls on the phone to talk to her. It's not like we get many other calls!
Ok I think I've written enough here for now... there is just a lot going on and I'm so glad I'm home to see it all and to raise my beautiful, amazing little girl.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Build A.... What?
We had her choose between Hello Kitty since she was pointing at her as we walked in the store and a Giraffe. We got her out of the stroller and I held them on either side of me... she had a hard time choosing because to her I think a toy is a toy, but finally she picked the Hello Kitty. We got her a little pink Mets outfit (they didnt have any Detroit Tigers stuff!) and even a little mitt, bat and ball! It was really cute watching Kaitlyn while we were making her kitty. She just kept grabbing for it... she wanted it so bad! After we got her made up and dressed we got to name her and make her a birth certificate. We decided that since most kids end up saying "Ditty" before they can say "Kitty" that we would name her that.
And, "Ditty" was born June 20th 2006. I guess I'll have to get a picture soon and add it!
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yeah!!!!!!!!!!! Tonight I was changing Kaitlyn's diaper in her room and Jon walked in so I asked Kaitlyn "Who's that?" and pointed at Jon. Kaitlyn clearly said "Dada" after about 1 minute or so. That just means that "Dada" is her first word! I wanted it to be Mama so bad but I guess I talk about Dada so much that that would be the first word she says! Oh well... I'm just happy she said SOMETHING and said it about something, or someone as it was.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Like a Duck to Water
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Well Kaitlyn had a very nice party and I have already uploaded the pictures to our Shutterfly Collection ( She was such a good girl and handled all the people being there very well! He party was on Sun June 11th. We had food and cake and she opened her presents. Daddy actually made Kaitlyn's cakes and decorated them too! He made a little tiny two layer heart cake for her to mutilate and another for the adults to eat. She got lots of great gifts and money too which will buy her some wonderful outdoor toys. We plan on getting her a Sandbox, a pool and a few other things she needs or that we want to get her.
Two of the things she got for her birthday she will not put down! She got a baby doll from Auntie Sarah and she carries her around everywhere... even HAD to take her on our walk yesterday! Also Uncle Charlie got her a My MP3 player... it's a little toy MP3 player that has a few kids songs on it and she just adores it! She constantly has it and is carrying it around playing the different songs! I think I'm going to get one for my Great Niece Alyssa since her birthday was June 8th... I know I'm late but I had so much going on last week!
Not a whole lot to say really other than she had a wonderful day. I do wish my family could have been here to celebrate too but it looks like we will have to celebrate with them later in the year when we go home for a visit!
Saturday, June 10, 2006
So NOT Little Anymore!!!
I cant believe it... she is such a big girl... makes me wonder if we should just make her crib a toddler bed now lol Maybe she would sleep in it! hahahaha
Anyway, everything is set for the party tomorrow. We just have to go in the morning and get the balloons blown up. Jon made a little tiny two layer heart shaped cake for Kaitlyn and a round two layer cake for the adults. We also have a Carvel Ice cream cake too. I made a deli meat tray with Ham, Turkey and Roast Beef and a cheese tray with American and Swiss. We have White and Wheat bread and Tuna & Macaroni Salad and Potato salad too. I also made some YUMMY Ham Rolls - which I can eat one or two of, too! I think it's going to turn out to be a nice party. We will be sure to get lots of pictures and I will add one or two here when I get them. As always there will be a bunch at our shutterfly collection, online.