Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Build A.... What?

When Kaitlyn was only a couple months old (if you have followed our journey you may remember) we went to the Albany IVF Baby Harvest. Kaitlyn won a couple prizes for her costume and one of them was a Build-A-Bear Workshop gift card. We decided a long time ago that when Kaitlyn turned one we would take her to make something, so today we went and built Kaitlyn a Hello Kitty!

We had her choose between Hello Kitty since she was pointing at her as we walked in the store and a Giraffe. We got her out of the stroller and I held them on either side of me... she had a hard time choosing because to her I think a toy is a toy, but finally she picked the Hello Kitty. We got her a little pink Mets outfit (they didnt have any Detroit Tigers stuff!) and even a little mitt, bat and ball! It was really cute watching Kaitlyn while we were making her kitty. She just kept grabbing for it... she wanted it so bad! After we got her made up and dressed we got to name her and make her a birth certificate. We decided that since most kids end up saying "Ditty" before they can say "Kitty" that we would name her that.

And, "Ditty" was born June 20th 2006. I guess I'll have to get a picture soon and add it!

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yeah!!!!!!!!!!! Tonight I was changing Kaitlyn's diaper in her room and Jon walked in so I asked Kaitlyn "Who's that?" and pointed at Jon. Kaitlyn clearly said "Dada" after about 1 minute or so. That just means that "Dada" is her first word! I wanted it to be Mama so bad but I guess I talk about Dada so much that that would be the first word she says! Oh well... I'm just happy she said SOMETHING and said it about something, or someone as it was.

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