Monday, September 21, 2009

A New Week Begins

Well we are officially starting our first Full week of Preschool without interruptions (no Dr appts, or no school days). I have to say... it hasn't started off all that well! Jon picked Kaitlyn up from school today and was handed a bag of dirty panties because Kaitlyn had, according to the teacher, "forgotten to go because she was playing." Which actually worries me because K doesnt usually forget... that usually happens because she is stressed about something and I'm very curious to know what happened in School today. She also did it again at home so that tells me even more that it's stress and not just an "oops!"

She was fussy and fighting and crying and ultimately screaming a hissy fit for about an hour and a half about having quiet time/nap time though after being carried upstairs again, kicking and screaming, she ended up falling asleep around 2:30pm. I really think she was stressed out about something today and the only way to get it out was to finally "blowing her top." I hate that sometimes that is her only option - as of yet - but I guess thats how it has to be until she can learn to express herself better or easier.

I am just wondering if at school they tried some "back and forth" type play with the kids and that stressed her out or something. She did tell me that she didnt play the computer at school today and maybe that feels safe to her and she was stressed because she didnt get that today. I have no idea but I wish I could be there to observe an entire day of her at school to see what really happens.

Oh well since she is napping now we will see how the evening goes after she wakes up. Hopefully she will be reset and not rev'd up!

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