I am very pleased at how she (and I) handled her cousins Baptism last weekend. It was a very unfamiliar, uncomfortable church and I noticed the signs quickly and took her off to a space where she could walk around with the anxious energy and try not to worry so much about what was going on. Overall she did well at the house with all of the people too. She just didnt talk to whom she didnt want to (which I later explained why they didnt get the normal warm welcome children tend to give family) and she just went about being herself.

Anyway, not much of an update I guess.
1 comment:
Sounds like you managed your trip really well.
Glad she become more comfortable so didnt have a melt down. I know being a mum to a boy with asd that dealing with rage is extremely hard. It's one of the worse side of autism.
Kaitlyn has a stunning smile:) In your picture of the children. A true little lady bless her
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