We were not exactly happy with the CSE meeting in April as they "declassified" Kaitlyn telling us "we dont care about her behavior or if she can be with other kids, as long as she is able to learn." So we had everything taken away from us and we will be heading into Kindergarten with nothing. I'll get into that more in another post! :)
I'll start where I left off last. Kaitlyn did her Gym Show for dance in March and it was great, she was able to do many more of the gymnastic moves this year from the last! What an improvement! Her little Baton routine (we were unable to get pics because she was on the other side of the Gym! GRRR!!) was cute and she did SO well. It's amazing that a 4yr old can learn an do those things! She did wonderful and we're very proud of her for getting out there and doing it.
Again, Kaitlyn's dance Recital on the Big stage at Proctors was on the weekend of her Birthday so we ended up having a little party the weekend before for her at Chuck E Cheese (her choice!!!) with a few of the kids she knows and she had a great time. Overstimulated and overwhelmed and everything she still loved her party and had a wonderful time... she was able to tell the GIANT furry Chuck E Cheese character to stay away from her because she was uncomfortable and everything and I think being able to express her feelings about such things REALLY helped her enjoy herself.
On Kaitlyn's birthday/recital weekend we had Grandma Lois, Aunt Donna & the boys come and stay with us and Grandma Lois came to the Dance recital and afterwards we had a little BBQ Birthday party with just the family. Aunt Michelle, Uncle Jon and Cousin Ben came over too. It was a nice little party and we did cake and all that and just enjoyed the weekend together. Kaitlyn's actual birthday was on Sunday so Grandma took us all out to IHOP for breakfast in the morning to celebrate Kaitlyn's actual day. It was a great way to start her birthday day! :)
Kaitlyn did amazing at her Dance recital again this year. She is older now and able to express how she feels (and is also able to see now with her glasses) so she was VERY anxious and very scared to get up on the big stage but she did it anyway and made us all proud! She did a dance called Beautiful Baby and had an orange and black costume.
This season we're off to another year of Kinderdance (which MIGHT be her last year but we'll see at the end of the year). This year she needs both pairs of shoes, though I must say, we're pretty lucky to have gotten 2 yrs out of the same pairs of dance shoes!! That doesnt usually happen! She will still get plenty of use out of the baton we got last year so thats one less expense. She has already told me that she does not really want to do the show on the big stage but we're going to wait a little while and see how it's going when it comes time to pay for the costume. If she REALLY doesnt want to be on the big stage she doesnt have to. She IS, however, VERY excited about doing the gym show now that she has perfected doing a headstand!!!

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