Thursday, August 18, 2005

8/15/05 Dr Visit Update

First of all I have uploaded ALL of Kaitlyn's photo's to our new shutterfly collection webpage... the web address is for anyone who is interested in viewing all of her pics including the ones from Sunday (8/14).

Well on to the update! Kaitlyn went to the Dr Monday 8/15 and I apologize for the delay in posting but things have been very hectic lately!!! So Kaitlyn is doing well with gaining weight so far. I really think the extra calories from the cereal are helping with all of that. Anyway, she is 10lbs 9oz and 21.5" tall and all of her parts are in working order.

Kaitlyn is not doing well in the GERD department. I cant tell you how stressful and scary it is to watch your child screaming in pain and puking their guts out 2-3 feet away from you! Just to catch up, She has been on Prevacid for the past month to help with her reflux but I'm not sure, if anything, what it was doing for her. She has also been getting her formula thickened with oatmeal so that she is able to hold it down and that it doesnt aggrivate her reflux anymore than it already does. About 2 weeks ago she pretty much was eating nothing for about 3 days... a few ounces of formula here and there and that was it. She has since started eating more which is good but it seems that her reflux episodes have gotten much worse. The dr now has Kaitlyn on some Zantac to see if this will help her. What she goes through is becoming unbearable for me as a mother. I am very stressed out with trying to get her to eat and trying to stop her pain. During the day she gets her two doses of Zantac and then she get Maalox inbetween when the Zantac isnt enough. Anyway... we dont have health insurance right now but we are going to try to get Kaitlyn in to see a Pediatric Gastroenterologist very soon because we want to make sure she doesnt have any other more serious problems to go with her Reflux. We may have to go to a Neurologist as well because when Kaitlyn eats or has an episode of reflux it looks like she is having some sort of seizure or going through convulsions... its truely horrible to watch, especially when you are the one holding her little body as it flails around and stiffens up and is all beat red.

Anyway, once we get all of that figured out we will write and let everyone know how she is doing. For now, we wait and hope and pray she gets through each day in as least amount of pain as possible.

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