Sunday, August 07, 2005

Move Over, Unpacking Begins...

We FINALLY got our cable modem hooked up in our new place!! Still have a LOT of unpacking to do but trying our best to do what we can with a infant. We did have a garage sale and got rid of a few things so that was good. We ended up making about $80! I think Kaitlyn enjoyed her first Garage Sale at Aunt Donna and Uncle Charlie's house - she and I got to sit in the air conditioner!! Hahahaha

Anyway... Kaitlyn has had a rough time with her reflux this past week. She started projectile vomiting and all that and the Dr (we had to find a new Pediatrictian and his name is Dr William Gerba - we like him a lot so far he seems caring and knowedgable) was worried about her losing weight... but when we were there last monday she was 7 weeks and 9lbs 12oz. Exactly 3 pounds gained since birth and thats what she is supposed to be. He said they like to see about a pound every two weeks. Anyway we tried putting her on Zantac instead of the Prevacid and it was a disaster... so she is back on the Prevacid and when it wears off before its time for her next dose, she gets alittle Maalox to calm her tummy acids.

Last night was a horrible episode... she shot puke across our bedroom and it had her food in it and her meds, which she took 3 hours before that. It was a very scary episode because she stopped breathing for a bit and was starting to turn blue and I thought we were going to be going to the ER but finally she started coughing/screaming and was obviously breathing again. She was so scared and upset after that... it was the worst episode of projectile for her yet... I was extremely scared myself... I think I stopped breathing with her...

She is really growing too... besides getting bigger, she is really smiling and laughing and communicating... of course all she can do is cry when she needs something but she does coo and grunt and make little noises that melt our hearts! She even knows - and REALLY lets us know - when it's time to take her medicine. It seems the "milestones" are cruising along at warp speed right about now. Lately, besides kicking and punching and pushing her arms and legs, we've noticed she has been trying to refine her fine motor skills... she twists her wrists and feet now and pulls her toes up and points them down. It's amazing what we're able to do with our muscles that we dont realize we actually had to LEARN to do at some point!

Ok enough of my babbling... Kaitlyn will be going to the Dr again next week sometime for her 2 month check up and shots... We'll also know then if she is still gaining weight. I think she will be just fine, I'm sure the cereal in her food (so she keeps it down) is helping give her the calories she needs from throwing up so much. I'll post again on how it goes...

Now that we have the internet back, I will be here more often but not as often as I will be once we finally get unpacked!!!

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