Thursday, December 21, 2006

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

how you hurt when you fall on me!!! ha ha ha ha

Kaitlyn got attacked by our Christmas tree last night and it's only a 3ft tree!!! Our kitty Totoro was trying to climb up in the tree thinking we might have to call the fire department to get him out or something... and Kaitlyn was standing there in front of the tree watching him and playing with ornaments. I, of course, yelled at the cat to get out of the tree because he might knock it down... I then walked into the kitchen to finish what I was doing and not 2 seconds later I hear Jon yell from the other room, "There it goes!" It took me a few seconds to realize what he was talking about and then Kaitlyn started screaming. I'm not sure whose fault it was, the cats or Kaitlyns (she yanks the ornaments off the tree) but I do know it must have scared the crap out of both of them! Kaitlyn was ok after a minute but she got scratches all over her face and hands (Thank God she didn't get poked in the eye!).

Anyway, this was one of those times you wish you had a video camera going constantly to catch funny things that happen... we might have just gotten into the finals of America's Funniest Home Videos with that one! The tree is fine and only 1 ornament got broken. It was one of mine and Jon's (our first married Christmas) but it's not bad and I can glue it back together, no problem. So, we got the tree back up and straightened back out and told them BOTH to leave the tree alone! I'm sure Kaitlyn will be right back at it the next time we are downstairs at Grandma Lois'. We put the tree down there again this year so there is plenty of room for it and presents.

Man... I wish we would've gotten that on video...

Well, the EIP Speech Therapist was only here for the evaluation for an hour and since then we have been working with K just to try to get her to form her mouth to make the "O" shape/sound. Well she has been great and is REALLY REALLY trying so hard to form her mouth to make sounds and words... most of the time nothing comes out but it's a work in progress and hopefully we get approved for the Speech Therapy because she would benefit so much from it. This proves it!

Last night K was in the bath and she was splashing around as usual drowning the bathroom and playing with her toys. She took two of her little ducks and flipped them over the side of the tub on to the rug and I said "Ut oh, did you lose your duckies?" and she looked at me and made the "O" shape with her mouth and said "oh-ohh," kinda... she actually made the "oh" sound and almost got out the "Ut-oh." I screamed and praised her so much and kept getting her to try it over and over... it was adorable!!! I cant wait to hear her talk!!!

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