Friday, January 05, 2007

Such a Lazy Mom

Yes I know, I rarely get here to update about Kaitlyn anymore. It's just so hard to sit and think and type with a toddler running around! I can barely get my dishes done because she stands at my legs screaming because she just wants mommy's attention!!

So here is a quick update and I will throw a newer pic in too!

Kaitlyn had her evaluations and Family Aides, Inc is sending in all the info to the county and we have our group meeting on Jan 12, 2007. We will know for sure then if she qualifies for Speech Therapy and we will set up a schedule of once a week or twice a week or whatever they think she needs.

I did have to go to Family Aides today to sign a paper and I asked if she qualified and, of course they cant tell me FOR SURE if she did but, she did! So hopefully soon K will be talking up a storm! I cant wait to hear her say something... other than "dah" and now the "ut oh" type thing she says! It will be so neat to hear her voice, I just know it is going to be adorable and it's going to make me melt just like I do when she looks into my eyes!!

The only other thing to update on is that she is yet again sick. This is about the 6th week we have been dealing with her having a cold. I'm actually getting very sick of her being sick and I cant wait til she is feeling better. I decided we are not going to be visiting any of the play places with the Mom's group where there are toys to chew on. Since we started going to them, she has been sick! So I think thats why... there are plenty of climbing gym type ones to take her to and I think they will be better for now until the weather turns into actual winter. Speaking of that it was 60 here today and it's JAN 4TH!!! Oy!! Something wrong with this planet!! We didnt even get a white Christmas and that was very disappointing for me. I know K doesnt know the difference but I have always had a white Christmas... with the exception of the year I spent living in Southern California!

Ok so here is a pic of Kaitlyn and Daddy just before Christmas. Daddy likes to play the Elf after Santa comes and he sorts the presents for everyone on Christmas morning and Kaitlyn and I got some Reindeer antlers to wear (though mommy forgot this year!) and I just had to get a picture of how cute these two are!

I really would like to get here to update a lot more often so I'm going to do my best to try. It's important for Kaitlyn to have this to read later on in life!

Lately, K has been going through some Mommy seperation anxiety and she will scream and scream even if I'm not in the room so we are working on that. She is still very motor and she climbs and crawls under things and over things and in things. She loves playing in and on boxes and wearing bags on her head while she walks around bumping into things. She has the BEST little sense of humor and knows it!! She will do things she finds funny and cracks up so hard at herself! She's really becoming such a great little person. She is still very polite and says (signs) please, thank you and you're welcome. I dont even think I could sit here and list all the things she "says" (signs) because she has SOOOO many. She's just a smart little cookie!

Since I had my surgery (and am unable to get pregnant until K is about two), Jon and I decided not to make any decisions about having another child until after Kaitlyn's second birthday. I'm still unsure if I want to be pregnant again... as much as I look at K playing by herself and wish she had a brother or sister, I just dont know if I can handle it again. Plus with Aunt Donna and Uncle Charlie expecting her little cousin coming next month that might be good for her and she will be content. I dont know... it's a lot to think about and I guess we will decide soon enough!

Well, I'll do my best to update again soon but definitely after the meeting on Jan 12th with the EIP people!

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