The wonder and amazement on a childs face when they experience something new gives you such a great feeling inside.
While we were upstate we had to get Kaitlyn some new sneakers and snow boots... she wears a size 6 now!!! She's getting so big! It's amazing to think she was so tiny 19 months ago!!
Jon and I are deciding if we will be ready in June to try for another, I really think it would be great for Kaitlyn to have a brother or sister so we'll see how that goes. It all depends on how I feel about it all and being pregnant again when the time comes I guess!
So speech therapy starts on Monday and I truly believe K is going to do amazing at it! She already is starting to make more sounds and tries so hard to say things. I know this is going to be a huge help for her! I cant wait to hear her say something for real!!
Lately, Kaitlyns favorite thing is to totally destroy the house... she can not decide what one thing to play with and the house just gets trashed over and over even if I clean it! The tantrums have not stopped either, they are sometimes very bad and last for a long time. When she has a breakdown, she really has one and there is no comforting her until she is ready - which can take an hour sometimes!!!
I just hope that once we get her talking it will help with the tantrums. They really are draining and I would like to get one on video so that when Kaitlyn is older she can watch it to see what exactly I mean by her having tantrums.
Well I'm going to clean up the living room yet again and see if I cant get her to help me this time! When are kids old enough to do dishes?? hehehehe
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