This is Kaitlyn giving us the sassy eye when she doesnt like something we tell her... it's just great! She's so freakin cute and sometimes we cant help but laugh at her!
We went for Kaitlyn's 21 Month appointment yesterday and she is 23lbs (after eating a banana, cereal bar and a 9oz of milk), 32 3/4" tall and her head measures 47cm. She's getting so big!!! She got her Chicken Pox vaccine yesterday too and did so well... she didnt even cry. She got a little mad and was going to but I told her it was ok and it was all over and she handled it great! I bet she is going to be like Mommy and actually LIKE shots!! Ha ha ha!
Ah well... she really is doing well. She usually only eats one meal a day and will pick at her meals the rest of the day so a couple times a week she drinks a Pediasure and we give her little drinkable yogurts as well to get in her protein and nutrients. We started vitamins as well and she likes eating them! Since the water here in Levittown does not have any Floride I decided to buy her her own water that has it in it. That way she can get in her floride without having to take nasty liquid vitamins! I hate giving them to her and she hates taking them. The kids vitamins are so much better and she likes being "in charge" of them!
I can't believe she is going to be 2 soon! It's amazing! I'm having some trouble, actually, deciding what to do about her birthday party. She really has no kid friends here so it makes it hard to plan anything at a play place. Most of them are parties only for the kids and they are $300-$400 for 12-16 kids... all we have is maybe 5 kids at most and 16 adults! It's hard at this age. I'm thinking about just having a family dinner out somewhere with Mommy, Daddy and Kaitlyn and then just paying to have a real party in Michigan when we go home to see my side of the family. Kaitlyn has more cousins and I have friends with kids there which make it more worth it and more exciting for an actual birthday party. I'll see though... it's really a hard thing to try and plan for a 2 year old. Might be easier if our families weren't spread out across the world... that and if my friends who have kids were closer too!!
I guess it will get easier when she is older and she has some little friends from school! I guess I should go because she is standing here jumping up and down screaming at me because I wont give her MORE vitamins! Now I have to go explain that she only gets one a day!!
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