Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Surgery on the Forefront

Well we took Kaitlyn to her follow up with the ENT and we decided to go ahead with the surgery to help Kaitlyn feel a little better. First of all, he said that her ears had finally drained the fluid and they looked very good so there is no need for tubes at this time. However, he did take the time to stick a camera up her tiny nose to have a look at her Adenoids and they are enlarged. So he said they should be removed and that he would also shave down her tonsils a bit too since they were a little big but not in need of removal.

This surgery will hopefully help Kaitlyn's snoring, night wakenings, chronic mouth-breathing and should help some with her speech. The Dr said that since the Adenoids are at the ends of the Eustachian tubes (where the ear drains) and they are enlarged they are not letting her ears "pop" well or drain well. So this should really help with that and she should seem to be hearing muffled anymore.

Kaitlyn has been doing AMAZING with her speech!! She says so much now and is really watching me talk and tries to say things I say now!! I love it!!! She knows who Mama and Dada are now and once in awhile will even call us by name. It's so great, she's so smart and I'm so happy she is able to express herself better now and we are all working really hard to get her to talk as much as possible.

Let's see... Kaitlyn now says (regularly and consistantly) Mama, Dada, Nana (banana), Uh uh, Yea, Moh (more), Bubo (bubble), Behbo (Elmo), Doda (Dora), Boo (boots), Bahh (ball), Rohh (roll), Teekie (stickie/er), Dih (drink), Deeeeeee (please), Ewww (just said this for the first time today!!!), Diity (dirty), iity (empty), Deedee (baby), vrumvrumvrum (any vehicle driving), Nnnn (nose), Boo (blue), Yaya (yellow), Dahpeh (diaper)...

Gosh there might be more, but this is all of the ones I can think of right now... I will add more if I think of them! Anyway... she was saying NOTHING at 18 months and here we are 3 months later and she is saying over 20 words. It's great... speech therapy has been a huge help... not only for her but for me, because I am learning what to do to continue her "therapy" 24 hours a day. I think because I work so hard with her that that is why this is coming along so quickly. That along with the fact that K is VERY determined to speak!

I'm also excited because Friday the 13th of April K and I start her class at Orly's Treehouse! I signed her up to take "Big Champions" it's a little class where they sing songs and get to play in a gym that is all soft climbing things. I'm hoping I picked the right class for her because we did a trial of it and she didnt seem to want to sit down and sing the songs or anything... she wanted to roam around the room and play with the balls... so now I'm wondering if maybe the Sport Tots would have been more for her since it is in the bigger gym and they get to run around and play with balls and work on catching and throwing things. I might see if I can switch classes... who knows, I'll see on Friday when we go there again!

Well I guess that about catches us up, for now.

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