Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Mysteries of Moon Phases

I am fully convinced that Kaitlyn's moods are connected to the phases of the moon. It's a full moon today/tonight and poor Kaitlyn has been "losing it" all day and been having screaming tantrums about NOTHING. Tonight the biggest "fit" was about WHERE she wanted to eat dinner. She screamed and cried about not wanting to eat at the table. I'm not sure where it came from, either. Then after about an hour of screaming (she's started throwing things now too) she came to me crying and begging for a hug and said she was sorry couldnt stay in control (not exactly her words). The poor kid... had to put her to bed a little early (can only handle so much screaming), dragged her up the stairs screaming, put her in her bed - a few times - where she continued to scream and thrash around... all of that because of her brother touching puzzle pieces which I warned her of before she started playing with it.

We did just get back yesterday from a 4 day trip to Grandma's and I'm sure being all thrown off whatever sort of routine we had was hard for her and coming back to it must be harder. I wish there was a magic button sometimes to just make it all better. Hopefully after a couple days of being back home and back to the routine she will settle back down.

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