Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Sweet Little Girl

I found out last night that Kaitlyn (and her OCD) is such a sweet little girl! She was in the bathroom before bed, taking FOREVER, supposed to be brushing her teeth and going potty. Well I started to get irritated that she was in there so long, thinking she was screwing around I told her "Ok, Kaitlyn, you're done now!" kinda firmly. Then we went about heading up to bed.

Well a little while later I went into the bathroom to go myself and sat down on the toilet and looked at the toilet paper roll... I was just in awe and said to myself "what a sweet little girl!" Why, you ask? Well... someone's little brother a bit earlier had gone in and unrolled a ton of toilet paper on the floor and I was getting them ready for bed so I figured I would just take care of it (roll it back up) after I got them to bed. Well... THAT is what took her so long in the bathroom... she spent all that time rerolling up the toilet paper from the floor AND going potty and brushing her teeth before bed!! She's such a sweetheart!! I'm sure she did it because of the whole ocd and thats not how the toilet paper should be but it was still awesome! :) She made me smile with something so simple without even knowing it!

Though when she woke up this morning I told her how wonderful it was and thanked her!!

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