Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I Scream, You Scream, We All Need to Stop Screaming!

Kaitlyn hasnt been doing well since this last "cycle", as I call it, has come around. She is screaming almost constantly while awake and during feedings and even wakes up periodically during the night screaming. It seems like she is either having a nightmare or some reflux and it's waking her up. I have to help her back to sleep, which usually doesnt take too long but still... Her screaming when tired has gotten worse too, I kinda get the feeling like she is afraid to go to sleep or something. I dont mean she gets fussy when she is tired I mean she SCREAMS and screams until her little face turns beet red.

It doesnt help that Mommy has insomnia and can't sleep at all. Here I am at almost 3am wide awake. I guess I'm going to be taking a nap with her tomorrow morning.

If she is still screaming tomorrow like she has been, I'm going to call the Dr and see if there is something else we can do for her because it's horrible for her to spend majority of her waking hours screaming. She has a few happy moments during the day but they are usually ruined with puke, spit up or just pain in general. Sometimes she will smile and cry at the same time because she isnt sure what emotion she wants to or needs to show. It's sad sometimes 'cause I know she is happy but she is hurting!!

This morning, well Monday morning, Kaitlyn just had a plain old bad morning. She ate and I burped her and sat her up like we always do and then she shot puke all over the pillow she was laying on and my shorts and my leg. She managed to shoot it far enough that only a couple drops got on her PJ's! She puked a few more times today and we had to change her anyway, but still.

I don't like when my baby is hurting... Reflux Sux!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

... The Mushroom Cloud Forms

Well all good things must come to an end. Did I really think that things were getting better? I have to admit for a little bit I thought maybe, just maybe she was getting a little better.

Kaitlyn has had a terrible day! She has been refluxing all day, some puke, some spit up and lots of screaming and crying. She's not really eating again and it's taking over an hour again to get her to eat. She falls asleep during feeds too so she never finishes a bottle. I feel so bad for her, I have given her Maalox already so now she is stuck dealing with her pain and there is nothing I can do about it.

Thats all for today, I'm feeling very stressed and very depressed.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Waiting for the Bomb to Hit...

For the past three days Kaitlyn has been eating great. She's been taking 6 ounces at once in the mornings and then having 4 more 4 ounce bottles through the day and still sleeping all night. She actually took a nice long nap yesterday and today.... with me. It seems she sleeps much better when I lay down with her and we sleep together. Today Kaitlyn had 6 ounces this morning and we took a nice long nap today and she had another 6 ounce bottle then a 4 ounce bottle and then another 6 ounces before bed. She has been keeping all of this formula down too no throwing up lately, however, she has been spitting up still but not a terrible amount. She still has problems with her reflux and is in pain sometimes but we give her some Maalox and it seems to help a bit. I do want to find out if we are able to give her more since it seems like soon after she gets it she has more reflux and then there is nothing we can do but cuddle her and try to help her through the pain.

I do love how she is eating and I hope she keeps it up, but I am sitting here waiting for the BOMB to hit where it all goes down... I'm waiting for the big throw ups, the non-stop incomsolable crying and the not eating. I'm hoping and praying for her that it doesnt happen and that she has turned a corner in her life here at the 3 month mark but time will tell.

Other than the eating and sleeping changes, Kaitlyn is getting sooooo great at her Hand-Eye coordination... she can take her toys now and get them in her mouth instead of just her hands. She seems to be Pre-Teething and drooling all over herself and everything and chewing on her hands, toys and us! :) She also "talks" so much more and more everyday. She is getting even more cuddly and I just love it. She curls up on my chest when I hold her and it just makes me melt. She is so wonderful and loving now. When Jon gets home from work she gets so happy and smiles huge when she sees him. She's getting to be more fun all the time. I think it's about time we get out her Exersaucer too - it says it's for 4 months and up but she already sits well assisted (and tries to sit on her own) and her swing just isnt cutting it anymore. The swing lasted a whole month or so and I think she is kinda bored of it. We also get to start some solid foods soon so the Swing has to go, the Exersaucer can come in and we gotta make some room for her highchair!! :)

Well besides her being her cute adorable self and the new changes everything else is the same, we'll be sure to update again soon!!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

3 Months... Quarter of a Year...

Kaitlyn is three months old!! Ok I'm a little in shock that I've actually been a mom now for 3 months!!

Should have updated a couple days ago, I know, but a lot has been going on and I've been exhausted!

Anyway, she had her 3 month appointment at the Dr Tuesday and she was 12lbs!!! Such a big girl! She's also 23 inches now! Grown 4" in 3 months and gained 5.25 lbs. She is just now getting into the next size clothes and its so weird to put things on her that look so big in comparison and have them actually fit her!! The Dr was not overly concerned about her weight gain but said she would like her to be gaining more. She gained 7 ounces in 2 weeks and she said it should be about a pound. Kaitlyn's reflux is bad some days, worse others and not so bad others. Sometimes she eats all day without any big issues and others she hardly eats at all. The Dr says we are doing a good job managing it and to keep up what we are doing and try, if we can, to get her to eat a little more. Kaitlyn still takes her Zantac twice a day and gets cereal mixed with her formula.

She did get two shots at the visit too, one in each thigh and has been miserable the last couple days. I was giving her Tylenol yesterday to bring down her 101 fever too. She seems to get very irritable at even the slightest fever. I hope she does better today. She's also been waking up fussing during the night too. She will scream and have a fussy cry and I shhhh her, tell her its ok and give her her "nummy" (pacifier) and she will fall back asleep. It happens about every half hour from 4 to 6:30 or 7am depending on if I can get her to fall back asleep. This has been going on a few nights in a row now and besides me feeling very worn out, it makes me wonder why shes doing it. Is she dreaming? Is she having reflux? Is it from the shots? I just dont know... if it keeps up I may call the Dr and ask their opinion.

She has started to discover Cause and Effect now... she is starting to realize that she makes things happen. We got her a Kick N Play piano and she just loves to kick it and make music while laying on the couch. She also gets a HUGE kick out of watching the Baby Einstein DVD's she sits and laughs and squeals at the tv when watching them. She even has favorite parts too! She has also started eating her hands like crazy... she rarely takes her pacifier because she would rather eat a hand! Its very funny to watch her eating her hands and listening to the sounds she makes... I just love it! I just love her!!

I love that she is getting a little more cuddly every week. I like that I can hold her up against my chest and hug her and she will lay her head in my shoulder now. I love that when she is laying next to me she will turn towards me and curl up against me. She looked at me this morning as she was getting ready for her nap and I smiled at her and she smiled back with this beautiful smile you could even see in her eyes, as if to say, I love you too Mommy. I must admit I was a little choked up at it!!

ok, Thats about all the new stuff...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Trip to the Ped GI

Well I had to wake up this morning and drag my child out of bed to get my hubby to work so we could have the car today. Kaitlyn had her Dr appointment today at 10. I figured being by myself with her and not being sure of where I was going and all that, i'd better aim to leave at 9. So we get back home from dropping off my hubby at 7:30 and I feed her. She plays around awhile, falls asleep for a few minutes and I start getting a bottle and whatever else I need for her together to take downstairs and put in the diaper bag. 9 oclock comes and I call to make sure we have the right room number and directions and stuff. Then I grab the baby and stuff and head downstairs to get her in her car seat... its 9:15 already. I set the stuff down, get the baby strapped in and go to pack the extra diapers and burp cloths in the bag and Kaitlyn pukes all over herself and the car seat (which needs to be taken apart and washed sometime today). So I have to get her changed and soak up the puke that pooled in the car seat so I can throw a burp pad in there to keep her from getting all nasty. Its after 9:30 now... Shes in the car seat in a new outfit and we're ready to go. We're headed down the road at about 9:40 and I realize I forgot the bottle is sitting in her bassinet soooooooooo I turn around, come back and get it and FINALLY i'm off to the Dr at 9:45! It's at least a half hour drive, needless to say we were late!

Anyway, as I'm driving down the road I get this weird feeling in my mouth... feels like something is poking my gum. I eventually realize my tooth is broken in half and the one side of it is wiggling in my gum. We have no dental coverage until next month... I dont know what i'm going to do right now.

So after all this... we go to the GI and that was fine and I fed Kaitlyn while we were there talking to the Dr. Everything was fine with the Dr too, we really liked her, she was knowledgable and concerned but told me Kaitlyn was a "perfect baby with reflux." She was gaining weight and generally happy and thats what they like to see. Whatever we are doing and the meds we are using are working for her and she doesnt want to change anything. So we're doing a good job at handling this stuff. As for the choking episodes, there is nothing we can do but try to prevent them and when they happen just be there and make sure she doesnt stop breathing altogether.

So after seeing the Dr we leave and I decide to stop for lunch and go see my old work (from when we lived here over 2 yrs ago). We're there and visiting and Kaitlyn refluxes and then after a bit ends up puking while in my arms. She puked all over her and the blanket I had around her (its like a fridge in my old work cause its a warehouse). Anyway, that trip was cut short and we came home a bit ago with a tired, cranky, pukey baby and Mom who just need some sleep.

I'm Keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow is a better day for her.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Everyday is Labor Day for Some

Well Kaitlyn has been eating a bit better the past couple days... she's getting in about 15-20 ounces now. Well for now anyway. We had a good day today, for the most part. She has been having trouble staying awake while trying to eat but eventually she will get the formula down.

We went over and had a BBQ at Donna and Charlies and really enjoyed the day and Kaitlyn was doing great. We got home this evening and she started to get fussy. She was screaming and fussing for over an hour and we couldnt figure out what was wrong with her.

After she was screaming for an hour and crying and we couldnt get her calmed down, I decided to rub her temples - she started to settle down. Well Jon is much better at it so I told him I think she has a headache and for him to rub her head to help relieve it. She instantly was in a better mood. We gave her a little Tylenol and now she is back to smiling and laughing. Sometimes it's so hard to figure out whats wrong with the baby. When she can talk things will be much easier but for now it's work just figuring it out.

Parenting is a lot of work when you have a healthy baby but when your baby needs much more from you - it adds to the work we have to do everyday. Parenting doesnt come with weekends, breaks, or vacations it's a 25 hour a day 8 day a week job. Actually it's not even something I can call a job anymore - it's a complete lifestyle change! It's better when the days are filled with eating and sleeping and happy laughing smiling babies for the most part.

Anyway, it's late...

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Life is a Vicious Cycle for Some of Us

Well the title of my journal entry says it all!! Sometimes life is hard even on the little ones!

Kaitlyn is doing well in the growing department... well with weight anyway. We have her 3 month check up on September 13th. We did end up going to her Pediatrician a couple days ago because her meds didnt seem to be working anymore. She got started on the Zantac at her last appointment over two weeks ago... a week and a half later she started puking and spitting up and screaming during and after feedings again and just being in pain again. I felt so bad for her and I knew something had to be done. I serisouly cant just sit by and watch my little girl hurt like that. Anyway, on the 1st when we went to the Dr, she was 11.5 pounds and she needed her dosage upped for her meds... that was why they weren't working as well for her. So far she is doing well again with the new dosage. When she has a bad day like she did they tend to run over into the next couple days. So she had a rough go at eating for the last couple days and she only ate 7 ounces Thursday and 12 yesterday... today she seems to be doing a bit better though.

Since Kaitlyn started the Zantac we noticed she is aspirtating a lot more and choking... we even have to be VERY careful changing her diaper. We lay her down and she has the chance of choking on her reflux. It happened to Jon the other night... it's so scary when it happens and since she is choking on fluid there is nothing we can do about it but sit and watch and hope we dont have to perform CPR. So far (knock on wood) we havent had to and she gets herself out of the episodes, but it's still the worst thing for a parent to watch!! It just makes the rest of your day a complete mess and you're nervous and worried that she may have more!

She is still sleeping very well, she goes to bed at about 11pm and wakes up at about 6:30 or 7am. Good for Mommy and Daddy!! She doesnt nap much at all during the day... 15 minutes here and there so I really don't get too much done during the day but at least I sleep!! hahahaha Oh yeah! She is oficially bigger because she does not fit in her size Small Onesies anymore!!! It's so weird to think she is REALLY growing. I broke out the next size and got them washed and ready for her to wear today.

She has been hanging out in her swing a lot more but she is so good at holding up her head and REALLY wants to sit up, that I think I am going to get her Exersaucer put together soon for her so she can play in that instead. I think it will take up less room than the swing 'cause well... it's not like we're living in a mansion here! hahaha

Jon and I are so amazed by her more and more every day... we just love her so much and we cant get enough! She's getting big enough now that she is starting to cuddle with me now. I REALLY cant wait until we can hug and she knows what she is doing. I'm telling you... seeing her beautiful smile just makes you melt! She LOVES to flirt with daddy too... she makes this cute face, smiles and sticks her tongue out when he's looking her way. She loves him so much!!

We're finally going to put her crib together this week too. It's still sitting in the box in her room. She is still in the bassinet in our room right now but, to be honest, she is getting really long and almost reaches from top to bottom in the bassinet!!!

Oh I just have to mention how GREAT she is with eating her hands... no, a thumb or finger are not good enough for her she needs to eat half of her hand instead! I offer her pacifier and she pushes me away and WANTS to eat her hand, so I let her. She enjoys it so I'm not complaining! She has a great personality already too, this being a mom thing is very exciting - even with a "High needs" baby.

Oh, dont let me forget that our health insurance kicked in on Thursday (Sept 1st) as well so that will be a big help. We also have an appointment with a Pediatric Gastroenterologist, too, on the 6th next week... I will definitly post how that goes. It's actually at Schneider Children's Hospital where Jon went as a kid for his liver check ups!

Well it's medicine time so we will update again soon!