Thursday, May 10, 2007

Adenoidectomy & Partial Tonsillectomy

Well yesterday May 9th was the big day. We got up at 5:30am and got together a few toys, got dressed and grabbed a couple bottles of water. Woke Kaitlyn up at 6am (not on purpose) and got her changed and ready to go. We left at 6:30am and headed to the hospital... though not without stopping at Dunkin Donuts for some coffee first!

We got to North Shore Hospital in Syosset at 7am and got Kaitlyn all registered. I do have to say that the registration process was amazingly fast and NOTHING like it used to be when going to the hospital. It took all of about 10 minutes at most to get all the paperwork signed and information verified. After registration we were escorted up to the Surgical suite and we got settled in Pre-Op with our Nurse Bridget. This is where they got all of Kaitlyn's vitals and told us what all would be happening and got K into her hospital gown and mommy into her protective wear, since I was the one going into the OR with her. I gotta say she was so adorable with that hat on!! Kaitlyn's surgery was scheduled at 8am and we ended up being in Pre-Op until a little after 8 and then Kaitlyn and I were taken into the OR where they put the mask on her and I had to watch and try to calm her as she was put to sleep. I have to say, as a mother, this was absolutely the hardest thing I have ever seen or had to endure. I held K as long as possible but I had to eventually put her down on the operating table and she started to scream and kick and cry. I mean, I know it was so scary and overwhelming for her to have 5 people there holding her down and shoving a big plastic mask in her face. It was horrible watching her fighting and screaming as they tried to get her to sleep but finally she went off. It's not like when you are an adult and you close your eyes and go to sleep. She looked so weird and her eyes were still open but she was sedated. The even harder part was turning around and walking away so that they could do the surgery. Leaving her there laying limp on the table hurt me so much inside. I trusted them and her Dr. He is so wonderful and told us everything that would happen and was very helpful in keeping us calm. Not that Jon and I aren't calm about all this stuff but it was nice for him to be so reassuring!

So after I left the room and Kaitlyn was sedated that is when they put in her IV and all of that so she never knew that was happening. I'm so glad they did it that way because the time we had her in the hospital for the dehydration and holding her down to get the IV in was hard too! I'm glad we didnt have to go through that!

The surgery really didnt take that long and the Dr came to get us at about 9:10 or so and she went in and they started the surgery at about 8:25am. So rather quick if you ask me! I'm glad we didnt have to sit there for hours waiting and waiting to hear how things were going. Her Dr said everything went very well and this surgery will definitely help her breathe better and everything. He said, "her adenoids were very enlarged." In the office he said they were enlarged but he said after taking them out they were very big and it was no wonder she seemingly had a chronic stuffy nose.

Here is another hard part! When they came to get us after surgery and they were waking Kaitlyn up from the anesthetic she was screaming and twisting and turning and just very out of it. It was hard seeing her that way and her not really being awake or understanding what was going on. She was so hoarse and her little cry sounded so weak. Thats just Kaitlyn though, she doesnt cry very loud and scream like some kids. We also had to keep this "wet air" blowing in her face so she didnt get dried out and start hurting in her nose and throat more and she kept batting at it because she didnt want it in her face. After about 5 or 10 minutes she started to wake up a bit more though and wanted me to pick her up so I did and she calmed down a bit and went in and out of sleep while laying on me as I sat in the rocking chair.
After a good hour and a half she came out of the anesthetic more and was still crabby, whiney and you could tell she was hurting but she got more alert and we turned on the tv and some cartoons for her. We kept trying to get her to drink some water, juice or anything and she only wanted to hold her cup and not drink. Eventually I got her to eat some ice chips though so that was good. She didnt even want to eat any of the Cherry Italian Ice they gave her! Though, I dont blame her one bit! So she watched about a show and a half on tv (Dragon Tails & Bob the Builder) and then wanted me to hold her again and she fell asleep on my lap in the rocking chair again. It was about Noon then and we still had another hour to go until we could be discharged. So we hung out there with her sleeping and boy, did I want to go to sleep too! Then at 1pm they took out her IV and the annoying Pulse Ox monitor off her toe (she kept begging for it to come off the whole 4 hours in recovery!) and we got her dressed and headed to pick up her prescriptions and come home. The Dr has her on Amoxicillin for 10 days to prevent any infections and he gave her Tyelnol with Codeine for pain. She has a post op follow up appointment on May 21st to see how she is doing and I know she is going to be just fine and dandy.

When we got home yesterday she slept off and on and she was very whiney and crabby and just wanted to cuddle with mommy a lot but she was doing very well.

She is doing very well today too... a little crabby and whiney still but drinking good (even asked for a drink) and had a few bites of fruit this morning too. She's walking around and playing but she gets frustrated easily but I know that just because she doesnt feel completely well.

Grandma Debbie in Michigan sent Kaitlyn a beautiful Get Well gift also so when we got home K had a delivery! She got a great little Bear and a Get Well Balloon and she also got a vase with three very pretty white roses in it. She really liked getting her present and even took a nap with her new bear!All in all the day was great and the hospital was great too. We had a very pleasant experience through it all and I'm happy about that. Now we just wait out the healing period and watch for Bright red blood or anything. I'm sure everything will be just fine since she is already doing so well today!!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Surgery in a Week

Well Kaitlyn is having her surgery one week from today. She is getting her Adenoids out and her Tonsils "shaved" in hopes that she will be able to breathe much better and keep her mouth closed. I really hope it works because two years of having plugged up ears and a stuffy nose has got to be annoying! Things are going to be so different for her in a few weeks when the swelling and everything goes down.

We went to get Kaitlyn's blood work done for her pre-op stuff, 2 year CBC & Lead and also got her allergies tested. Everything came out great and no allergies! So we have NO idea why she is reacting to things the way she is. Tomato is a huge one that gives her hives and stuff and we cant figure it out. Maybe she is just sensitive to it and then it wouldnt come up on an allergy test? I have no idea. I'm glad everything came back ok but I think I might take her to the allergist anyway to see what else might be causing it. Jon is going to run a few more tests on her blood today since there are some tubes left at his work and he is running the allergies today!

I have been very upset lately regarding Kaitlyn's second birthday. I wanted to have a small party here in NY with some of the family and a couple of my mom friends, however we really have no day to do it since there is so much going on in June now with Donna doing James' baptism and us going to Michigan. So I'm thinking about combining Jon and Kaitlyn's birthday's and doing a day at the park or something. I figure the boys can play basketball and the kids can play in the sand and on the playground. I guess we can just do cake at the park or something too. I havent decided if I want to do that or just have a small party at McDonalds and then I dont have to worry about the weather. I'm leaning more towards the McDonalds venue. It's only about $8 per child so that might be what we do and then we will just bring our own cakes and I think the kids get food too. I figure if the adults that come want something, they can just order their own.

Not to mention that the party we were thinking of having in Michigan is looking like a wash too it's just all stressing me out and really getting to me. I have decided that we are not going to cater to everyone else anymore when we go home to visit. This year we are going home to visit my dad for a few days and then to see my mom and not going to worry about making our plans around visiting everyone else. I was trying to do it so that everyone could see Kaitlyn but I think it's best just to let her spend some time with Grandpa and Grandma and get as much time in with them as possible and maybe we can make it to the Zoo this year like we were going to try to do as a yearly event. We'll see how this whole visit works out and then maybe re-think how we work the vacations/visits for next year.

Anyway, this year I'm just going to make the most of what we have and even though it's not much, hopefully K will still enjoy her birthday. She really wanted a Blue's Clues Party but it looks like all she will get is a Blue's Clues cake since Jon and I will be making that.