Monday, September 10, 2007
New House, New Life
The first week we were here in the house we spent a couple nights in the ER because K had a 104 fever for 5 days. I ended up having my friend take us to the ER twice. It was a crazy first week!
We also found out that K is going to be a big sister!! We think she is going to make a wonderful big sister too! We decided for the next 7ish months that we are going to talk to her about it everyday, kinda like we did with the house. I anticipate the change going very well because of this. The transition into the house went VERY well so I dont think we will have too many issues with the new baby either.
Other than that, not much else is going on... Kaitlyn's speech continues to flourish and she has new words everyday even ones she hears on tv or from other people. She really is doing very well!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
A Little Late But Not Never...

Thursday, August 09, 2007
Busy, Busy, Busy
We joke and call Kaitlyn an Elephant... this little girl remembers EVERYthing! She knows where the railroad tracks are that we go over on the way to Jon's work and she even remembers ANYthing we tell her. There is no saying "later" to her and thinking she will forget. She remembers... and then asks for it later!!! She's so smart it almost hurts!! Hahahaha
K's also had a bit of some issues for the last two months. She is MUCH better now but for the last two months she had diarrhea and could not get over it. We ended up taking her completely off dairy and she was drinking Rice milk and getting Acidophilus and Florastor twice a day to try and replenish her normal flora in her belly. She also ended up gaining over a pound in a month! She is now 33 1/2 inches tall and weighs 26lbs... she's getting so big now, she is definitely not a baby anymore.
Well almost every morning Kaitlyn and I go for a walk and go to the park. I stop at the Deli and get my coffee and when we get to the park K wants to swing & swing & swing on the swings. She usually will stay on them for at least a half hour. It's fun and gets us both out of the house for an hour or so and we love spending the time together without the tv going or the computer.
We've also been very busy this summer because we are buying a house! We found a beautiful house upstate, NY in Schenectady. Jon will be going back to work at Albany Medical Center and I will continue to stay home with K. I may go get a little part time job since Jon will be working evenings and that will give me a chance to make a little extra money and also give me a break from watching K 24/7.
K's not really understanding that we are going to have a new house but I keep telling her. She is having a hard time with the fact that I have packed up a lot of her toys. I just make sure to keep telling her about the new house and how the big orange moving truck is going to come and take all of our things and her toys to our new house soon. We're moving Aug 24th but we will be heading up there next weekend for the closing and to clean and get the house ready to move in.
I hope that once we get moved in a settled in the new house I will have more time to update Kaitlyn's blog. Until then...
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Birthday Girl!!
Today Kaitlyn went to have her 2 year check up at the Dr and she is 33 1/2 inches tall and she is 24 3/4lbs. Both of which put her in the 25 percentile for her age. Her head still measured at 47cm so she's certainly not a fat head! She did not get shots this time around and does not need them now until she is 4!!
We had a small birthday party at the park last weekend to celebrate her birthday and two of her friends showed up, Joseph and Joshua. We met them through the mom's group I am a member of and she gets along with them really well. The kids enjoyed playing together in the sand and swinging on the swings. We had a little bit of a Blues Clues theme for her party here and made a Blue's Clues cake. We even colored the cake and pudding filling blue too!
Kaitlyn still has two more parties to celebrate her birthday! We're having a get together in Michigan at Papa Paul's on Father's Day and then Grandma Debbie is planning a great party at her house in Niles, MI which we are very excited about. We're doing a Dora & Diego theme for the party at Grandma Debbies and it should be such a great time.
We're leaving tomorrow for our annual trip to Michigan so we will update about all the fun we had there when we get back!
Happy Birthday baby, we love you so much!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Adenoidectomy & Partial Tonsillectomy
We got to North Shore Hospital in Syosset at 7am and got Kaitlyn all registered. I do have to say that the registration process was amazingly fast and NOTHING like it used to be when going to the hospital. It took all of about 10 minutes at most to get all the paperwork signed and information verified. After registration we were escorted up to the Surgical suite and we got settled in Pre-Op with our Nurse Bridget. This is where they got all of Kaitlyn's vitals and told us what all would be happening and got K into her hospital gown and mommy into her protective wear, since I was the one going into the OR with her. I gotta say she was so adorable with that hat on!!

So after I left the room and Kaitlyn was sedated that is when they put in her IV and all of that so she never knew that was happening. I'm so glad they did it that way because the time we had her in the hospital for the dehydration and holding her down to get the IV in was hard too! I'm glad we didnt have to go through that!
The surgery really didnt take that long and the Dr came to get us at about 9:10 or so and she went in and they started the surgery at about 8:25am. So rather quick if you ask me! I'm glad we didnt have to sit there for hours waiting and waiting to hear how things were going. Her Dr said everything went very well and this surgery will definitely help her breathe better and everything. He said, "her adenoids were very enlarged." In the office he said they were enlarged but he said after taking them out they were very big and it was no wonder she seemingly had a chronic stuffy nose.
Here is another hard part! When they came to get us after surgery and they were waking Kaitlyn up from the anesthetic she was screaming and twisting and turning and just very out of it. It was hard seeing her that way and her not really being awake or understanding what was going on. She was so hoarse and her little cry sounded so weak. Thats just Kaitlyn though, she doesnt cry very loud and scream like some kids. We also had to keep this "wet air" blowing in her face so she didnt get dried out and start hurting in her nose and throat more and she kept batting at it because she didnt want it in her face. After about 5 or 10 minutes she started to wake up a bit more though and wanted me to pick her up so I did and she calmed down a bit and went in and out of sleep while laying on me as I sat in the rocking chair.

After a good hour and a half she came out of the anesthetic more and was still crabby, whiney and you could tell she was hurting but she got more alert and we turned on the tv and some cartoons for her. We kept trying to get her to drink some water, juice or anything and she only wanted to hold her cup and not drink. Eventually I got her to eat some ice chips though so that was good. She didnt even want to eat any of the Cherry Italian Ice they gave her! Though, I dont blame her one bit! So she watched about a show and a half on tv (Dragon Tails & Bob the Builder) and then wanted me to hold her again and she fell asleep on my lap in the rocking chair again. It was about Noon then and we still had another hour to go until we could be discharged.

When we got home yesterday she slept off and on and she was very whiney and crabby and just wanted to cuddle with mommy a lot but she was doing very well.
She is doing very well today too... a little crabby and whiney still but drinking good (even asked for a drink) and had a few bites of fruit this morning too. She's walking around and playing but she gets frustrated easily but I know that just because she doesnt feel completely well.
Grandma Debbie in Michigan sent Kaitlyn a beautiful Get Well gift also so when we got home K had a delivery! She got a great little Bear and a Get Well Balloon and she also got a vase with three very pretty white roses in it. She really liked getting her present and even took a nap with her new bear!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Surgery in a Week
We went to get Kaitlyn's blood work done for her pre-op stuff, 2 year CBC & Lead and also got her allergies tested. Everything came out great and no allergies! So we have NO idea why she is reacting to things the way she is. Tomato is a huge one that gives her hives and stuff and we cant figure it out. Maybe she is just sensitive to it and then it wouldnt come up on an allergy test? I have no idea. I'm glad everything came back ok but I think I might take her to the allergist anyway to see what else might be causing it. Jon is going to run a few more tests on her blood today since there are some tubes left at his work and he is running the allergies today!
I have been very upset lately regarding Kaitlyn's second birthday. I wanted to have a small party here in NY with some of the family and a couple of my mom friends, however we really have no day to do it since there is so much going on in June now with Donna doing James' baptism and us going to Michigan. So I'm thinking about combining Jon and Kaitlyn's birthday's and doing a day at the park or something. I figure the boys can play basketball and the kids can play in the sand and on the playground. I guess we can just do cake at the park or something too. I havent decided if I want to do that or just have a small party at McDonalds and then I dont have to worry about the weather. I'm leaning more towards the McDonalds venue. It's only about $8 per child so that might be what we do and then we will just bring our own cakes and I think the kids get food too. I figure if the adults that come want something, they can just order their own.
Not to mention that the party we were thinking of having in Michigan is looking like a wash too it's just all stressing me out and really getting to me. I have decided that we are not going to cater to everyone else anymore when we go home to visit. This year we are going home to visit my dad for a few days and then to see my mom and not going to worry about making our plans around visiting everyone else. I was trying to do it so that everyone could see Kaitlyn but I think it's best just to let her spend some time with Grandpa and Grandma and get as much time in with them as possible and maybe we can make it to the Zoo this year like we were going to try to do as a yearly event. We'll see how this whole visit works out and then maybe re-think how we work the vacations/visits for next year.
Anyway, this year I'm just going to make the most of what we have and even though it's not much, hopefully K will still enjoy her birthday. She really wanted a Blue's Clues Party but it looks like all she will get is a Blue's Clues cake since Jon and I will be making that.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Got My Eater Back!
Anyway, just wanted to update since she is doing so well. Also, a couple nights ago I started putting Kaitlyn down to bed and leaving the room. So far she has been doing excellent at going to sleep on her own. Once in awhile she will cry a little bit but she is doing a great job. I can't believe what a big girl she is now. Tonight was wonderful too, I simply put her in bed and told her that it was her turn to go "Night night" and that mommy would come down later when it was her turn. I gave her a kiss and told her Good night and didnt hear a peep out of her and she went right to sleep. She is still falling asleep in our bed but still she is doing it on her own and I no longer have to lay down with her to get her to sleep! Soon she will be going to sleep in her OWN bed... then... in her OWN room!!
Not sure if I'm ready for all this growing up, to be quite honest. I'm beginning to miss those times with her. I love cuddling with her while she goes to sleep but there are times when I dont want to. I just know that she is getting to be a big girl and soon she wont need mommy for any of that anymore. Soon we will probably be fighting and at each others throats like all mothers and daughters are. I have to admit that I actually like when she comes over to me in the middle of the night saying "mama" and wanting to come up in bed with us. I think her being in her own bed all the time might be harder on ME than it is her. Oh well... she does have to grow up but I feel like I miss her sometimes even though I'm with her all day.
Anyway, I cant remember if I mentioned this before but we signed Kaitlyn up for a class at Orly's Treehouse and it starts this week on Friday... though I dont think she is going to like the class much. I'm going to be switching her over to the class her little 2yr old twin cousins are in on Mondays so the girls can all play together and then their mom and I can chat too!! It should be a great class since it's in the Olympic gym and they get to play with balls and things. I think it will work out much better than the class I originally signed her up for... it wasnt all that fun when we went in for the trial class.
Ok it's time for mommy's to get some sleep, especially emotional ones! I'm so happy my little monkey is feeling better, man I love her so much!!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
The "Good Boo Boo"

When we got up this morning K was so lethargic and wasnt talking or walking around or anything. She just laid and cried and could hardly stay awake. I finally called the Dr and walked over there (in the snow!) and he checked her out and noticed she was dehydrated. He said we had a good chance of bringing her back if I could get her to drink some fluids but when we got home and I did manage to get some juice in her she barfed it all back up within a few minutes after drinking it. I called the Dr back and he sent us immediately to the hospital.
It took about 8 hours of IV fluids (two of them bolouses(sp?)) to get her hydrated again and to the point where she was able to go pee. According to her blood work she was just one number away from being admitted so we were lucky! She did great in the hospital though... it was rough for her to get the IV but the PA who put the line in was great. She was quick and did a great job and K cried but only for a little bit. K handled it so well! We were both so proud of her!! The whole time she was there with the IV in she kept pointing to her arm and saying "oohhh bo bo" (translated that is Ow, boo boo) and Jon just kept explaining to her that it was a "Good Boo boo" and that it was going to make her feel better and she wouldnt be sick anymore. She seemed very happy with that explaination and went about her business of sitting there staring at Dora (which the Child Life Specialists had put on for her).
I'm just very proud of her... it was a long day and we are ALL crabby and tired and it's time for bed! She is such a big girl!!!
Friday, March 30, 2007
So she is basically exploding with words and her comprehension is incredible. She is so quick now to respond to what I ask her or things we would like her to do. Well most of the time anyway, sometimes she KNOWS she should be doing something and deliberately doesn't! She's got some heck of a sense of humor already too. She will do things that are funny or that she thinks are funny and she will come out with this big huge HA HA HA laugh. She cracks herself up... and us!! I just love it, I love how pretty much everyday she is changing. I could not have asked for a better daughter she makes me melt inside.
Ohhhh yeah, so we're in the middle of a LOT of fun right now... K is getting a couple top Eye teeth and everyone knows, I HATE teething. So my poor baby has had diarrhea and her but is rashy now and I'm sure it's on fire and she cant stop chewing on her hand. I have to keep giving her the chew necklace thing we got her and reminding her to bite on that. I can't believe how hard she bites her little hand, she leaves teeth marks! I so hate that she has to go through teething - I so hate that I have to go through it with her! I know we will make it through all of the teeth but I just dont like feeling helpless against nature. Ah well... nothing I can do about it!
So I thought of more words Kaitlyn has so here they are (some are not used often or are only said if we make her say them): "Mooh" (moon), "Op" (up), "Nih Nih" (night, night), "Ih" (in), "Dee" (drink), "Tee" (tree)... Ok it's early and this is all I can think of for now...
We're off to Orly's Treehouse again today, she didn't do too bad on Wednesday when we were there. She didnt scream and cry and I got in 22 minutes on the treadmill. Hopefully today will go just the same!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Surgery on the Forefront
This surgery will hopefully help Kaitlyn's snoring, night wakenings, chronic mouth-breathing and should help some with her speech. The Dr said that since the Adenoids are at the ends of the Eustachian tubes (where the ear drains) and they are enlarged they are not letting her ears "pop" well or drain well. So this should really help with that and she should seem to be hearing muffled anymore.
Kaitlyn has been doing AMAZING with her speech!! She says so much now and is really watching me talk and tries to say things I say now!! I love it!!! She knows who Mama and Dada are now and once in awhile will even call us by name. It's so great, she's so smart and I'm so happy she is able to express herself better now and we are all working really hard to get her to talk as much as possible.
Let's see... Kaitlyn now says (regularly and consistantly) Mama, Dada, Nana (banana), Uh uh, Yea, Moh (more), Bubo (bubble), Behbo (Elmo), Doda (Dora), Boo (boots), Bahh (ball), Rohh (roll), Teekie (stickie/er), Dih (drink), Deeeeeee (please), Ewww (just said this for the first time today!!!), Diity (dirty), iity (empty), Deedee (baby), vrumvrumvrum (any vehicle driving), Nnnn (nose), Boo (blue), Yaya (yellow), Dahpeh (diaper)...
Gosh there might be more, but this is all of the ones I can think of right now... I will add more if I think of them! Anyway... she was saying NOTHING at 18 months and here we are 3 months later and she is saying over 20 words. It's great... speech therapy has been a huge help... not only for her but for me, because I am learning what to do to continue her "therapy" 24 hours a day. I think because I work so hard with her that that is why this is coming along so quickly. That along with the fact that K is VERY determined to speak!
I'm also excited because Friday the 13th of April K and I start her class at Orly's Treehouse! I signed her up to take "Big Champions" it's a little class where they sing songs and get to play in a gym that is all soft climbing things. I'm hoping I picked the right class for her because we did a trial of it and she didnt seem to want to sit down and sing the songs or anything... she wanted to roam around the room and play with the balls... so now I'm wondering if maybe the Sport Tots would have been more for her since it is in the bigger gym and they get to run around and play with balls and work on catching and throwing things. I might see if I can switch classes... who knows, I'll see on Friday when we go there again!
Well I guess that about catches us up, for now.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
This is Kaitlyn giving us the sassy eye when she doesnt like something we tell her... it's just great! She's so freakin cute and sometimes we cant help but laugh at her!
We went for Kaitlyn's 21 Month appointment yesterday and she is 23lbs (after eating a banana, cereal bar and a 9oz of milk), 32 3/4" tall and her head measures 47cm. She's getting so big!!! She got her Chicken Pox vaccine yesterday too and did so well... she didnt even cry. She got a little mad and was going to but I told her it was ok and it was all over and she handled it great! I bet she is going to be like Mommy and actually LIKE shots!! Ha ha ha!
Ah well... she really is doing well. She usually only eats one meal a day and will pick at her meals the rest of the day so a couple times a week she drinks a Pediasure and we give her little drinkable yogurts as well to get in her protein and nutrients. We started vitamins as well and she likes eating them! Since the water here in Levittown does not have any Floride I decided to buy her her own water that has it in it. That way she can get in her floride without having to take nasty liquid vitamins! I hate giving them to her and she hates taking them. The kids vitamins are so much better and she likes being "in charge" of them!
I can't believe she is going to be 2 soon! It's amazing! I'm having some trouble, actually, deciding what to do about her birthday party. She really has no kid friends here so it makes it hard to plan anything at a play place. Most of them are parties only for the kids and they are $300-$400 for 12-16 kids... all we have is maybe 5 kids at most and 16 adults! It's hard at this age. I'm thinking about just having a family dinner out somewhere with Mommy, Daddy and Kaitlyn and then just paying to have a real party in Michigan when we go home to see my side of the family. Kaitlyn has more cousins and I have friends with kids there which make it more worth it and more exciting for an actual birthday party. I'll see though... it's really a hard thing to try and plan for a 2 year old. Might be easier if our families weren't spread out across the world... that and if my friends who have kids were closer too!!
I guess it will get easier when she is older and she has some little friends from school! I guess I should go because she is standing here jumping up and down screaming at me because I wont give her MORE vitamins! Now I have to go explain that she only gets one a day!!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
My Baby No More
Yesterday we took her out in the snow to play a bit since it was kinda warm and she just loved walking back and forth on the snow hearing it crunch beneath her shoes. She was so intrigued by a puddle she found, too. She must have stood there banging her stick into the puddle for ten minutes over and over watching as the water would move and splash each time. It's amazing to me that something so small could entertain her mind so much. It seems in life, as we get older, we take these small things for granted. I guess, until you have kids and watch them grow, you never really realize how it takes ALL of the little things along the way in life to make us who we are as we get older...
The last couple days Kaitlyn has gotten soooo much better at hopping! She actually gets a little air now... it's so cool to see something so amazing! You wouldnt think it was so much work just to learn to hop an inch or so off the ground!
Ohhhhh and she is breathing much better since the course of antibiotics for her sinus infection. She is not snoring really but does breathe heavy once in a while. She still has some mucos in her nose but that is something I will talk to the ENT about when we see him again in March. We could definitely tell that the meds cleared up her head even after one days worth of doses. She was up talking back to Dora on tv and repeating/imitating her the next morning and that was something she never did, not even when we tried to get her to. So it has been a big help already just in getting her to communicate more.
Speech therapy is really helping as well, she is really learning to form her mouth to words and her "Ut Oh" is perfect... and she uses it ALL the time. Especially if mommy forgets to close the baby gate at the top of the stairs!! Ha ha ha ha She's got a good 10 words now and she said her first unprompted sentence on Monday night! She and Daddy were reading some books together on the floor and since she has gotten sooooooo good at saying "Moh" (or more in Kaitlynese) she told daddy, "Moh Boh" which meant "More Book" so we were ecstatic to say the least! She has now said, "Moh Dee" or "More Please" but it takes some prompting to get her to say that... though she is coming along! It's really great to see the progress and all of her chatting (or babbling/repeating/imitating) has really come since being on the meds and I LOVE it!! Right now she is TRYING so hard to say "Belly Button" but she is still having trouble forming her mouth to make the right sounds. It's still adorable to watch her try and we LOVE praising her with every attempt!
Well besides that and completely coving the living room in toys everyday she is really growing up. I think we're going to work on "clean up" in the coming weeks because the mess around here is just not working. We live in such a small place as it is that we just cant have toys all over taking up what little room we do have! So we will have to have clean up time a few times a day. I think it will work out, she usually likes to help out. Well when she isn't telling me "Uh, uhh" (or No actually)... since that is the most common "word" used these days with her. Most of the day is filled with "Uh uhhh's" and "Ut oh's." It's all cute and I love it anyway but it cant get frustrating at times!
So to end this, I say, what in life are some of the things we take for granted...
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Getting it All Done
Anyway, overall it was a great session and we look forward to more and hearing more words come out of her!!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Playing in the Snow
The wonder and amazement on a childs face when they experience something new gives you such a great feeling inside.
While we were upstate we had to get Kaitlyn some new sneakers and snow boots... she wears a size 6 now!!! She's getting so big! It's amazing to think she was so tiny 19 months ago!!
Jon and I are deciding if we will be ready in June to try for another, I really think it would be great for Kaitlyn to have a brother or sister so we'll see how that goes. It all depends on how I feel about it all and being pregnant again when the time comes I guess!
So speech therapy starts on Monday and I truly believe K is going to do amazing at it! She already is starting to make more sounds and tries so hard to say things. I know this is going to be a huge help for her! I cant wait to hear her say something for real!!
Lately, Kaitlyns favorite thing is to totally destroy the house... she can not decide what one thing to play with and the house just gets trashed over and over even if I clean it! The tantrums have not stopped either, they are sometimes very bad and last for a long time. When she has a breakdown, she really has one and there is no comforting her until she is ready - which can take an hour sometimes!!!
I just hope that once we get her talking it will help with the tantrums. They really are draining and I would like to get one on video so that when Kaitlyn is older she can watch it to see what exactly I mean by her having tantrums.
Well I'm going to clean up the living room yet again and see if I cant get her to help me this time! When are kids old enough to do dishes?? hehehehe
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
100 Years of Magic
Kaitlyn ended up falling asleep soon after the second act started but I know she really liked the show because she was smiling and singing and dancing and talking to the characters out on the ice. It was so great to see the wonder on her face and the excitement when Mickey came out to say Hi. She just really enjoyed the entire thing.
I was very happy with the way the show was put on, there was not loud obnoxious music or anything like that. The show was done very well and I was so happy to have gone.
Our next little adventure will be the Circus in March! I cant wait for that either!!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
"Chsheh Chsheh"
The day this kid says anything remotely close to "I love you, Mama" I'll cry, I swear!!! I'd even settle for her saying "Mama" TO ME and have it MEAN mama!!! hahahahaha She still says "Da da" when I ask her to repeat "ma ma" lol Ah well, it's a work in progress and she says CHICKEN!!! lol :)
So anyway, Kaitlyn qualified for Speech Therapy through EIP and we had our meeting with the Nassau County Coordinator and the Speech Therapist. We officially set up the schedule with her and she will now be coming twice a week (Mon & Thurs mornings) to help move K along in talking. She is going to be getting a lot of oral motor skill work through the PROMPT technique as the therapist is leaning towards K having a bit of Apraxia which is when a child has difficulty with volitional movement for the production of speech. This can be at the level of sounds, syllables, words, or even phrases (connected speech). The motor struggle is most typically seen with sounds sequencing.
I know that the speech therapy is really going to push K into talking up a storm. She really wants to and tries soooo hard to form words and make sounds so I know the PROMPT is going to be a huge success! I hope this also helps to cut down the tantrums because today made me want to tear my hair out, run away and hide. I was a mess today because she was having horrible "throw herself on the floor screaming" fits because I was trying to cook dinner and wasnt picking her up. Its getting really ridiculous as she screams harder during those times if Jon even attempts to pick her up or talk to her or console her. I'm not sure what to do as we have tried ignoring her (literally for almost an hour sometimes) and she screams and screams and screams and gets herself so worked up and even cries so hard she does her passing out thing or will cry so hard she starts doing this almost seizure type shaking thing... it's weird. At that point, I can not leave her like that... so there has to be something we can do... but I guess we'll mention it to the Dr and I also hope the speech thing helps to alleviate some of that too!!! UGH!!
Another thing I want to work on is getting her to fall asleep on her own but I dunno if we should do that before or AFTER we work on getting her to self soothe at night. I just can't do this crap anymore... and people talk about having another kid??? HA are you kidding me??? It's times like these where I lay in bed crying and saying no way in hell am I having another... ya know??? I love my daughter with all of my heart and soul but being a parent is by no means and easy job and sometimes it is so stressful and unrewarding!
Then there are times when you hear "chsheh chsheh" and you just get so excited! :) It just seems the tantrums are outweighing the "chicken's" right now, if you know what I mean!
Friday, January 05, 2007
Such a Lazy Mom
So here is a quick update and I will throw a newer pic in too!
Kaitlyn had her evaluations and Family Aides, Inc is sending in all the info to the county and we have our group meeting on Jan 12, 2007. We will know for sure then if she qualifies for Speech Therapy and we will set up a schedule of once a week or twice a week or whatever they think she needs.
I did have to go to Family Aides today to sign a paper and I asked if she qualified and, of course they cant tell me FOR SURE if she did but, she did! So hopefully soon K will be talking up a storm! I cant wait to hear her say something... other than "dah" and now the "ut oh" type thing she says! It will be so neat to hear her voice, I just know it is going to be adorable and it's going to make me melt just like I do when she looks into my eyes!!
The only other thing to update on is that she is yet again sick. This is about the 6th week we have been dealing with her having a cold. I'm actually getting very sick of her being sick and I cant wait til she is feeling better. I decided we are not going to be visiting any of the play places with the Mom's group where there are toys to chew on. Since we started going to them, she has been sick! So I think thats why... there are plenty of climbing gym type ones to take her to and I think they will be better for now until the weather turns into actual winter. Speaking of that it was 60 here today and it's JAN 4TH!!! Oy!! Something wrong with this planet!! We didnt even get a white Christmas and that was very disappointing for me. I know K doesnt know the difference but I have always had a white Christmas... with the exception of the year I spent living in Southern California!
Ok so here is a pic of Kaitlyn and Daddy just before Christmas. Daddy likes to play the Elf after Santa comes and he sorts the presents for everyone on Christmas morning and Kaitlyn and I got some Reindeer antlers to wear (though mommy forgot this year!) and I just had to get a picture of how cute these two are!
I really would like to get here to update a lot more often so I'm going to do my best to try. It's important for Kaitlyn to have this to read later on in life!
Lately, K has been going through some Mommy seperation anxiety and she will scream and scream even if I'm not in the room so we are working on that. She is still very motor and she climbs and crawls under things and over things and in things. She loves playing in and on boxes and wearing bags on her head while she walks around bumping into things. She has the BEST little sense of humor and knows it!! She will do things she finds funny and cracks up so hard at herself! She's really becoming such a great little person. She is still very polite and says (signs) please, thank you and you're welcome. I dont even think I could sit here and list all the things she "says" (signs) because she has SOOOO many. She's just a smart little cookie!
Since I had my surgery (and am unable to get pregnant until K is about two), Jon and I decided not to make any decisions about having another child until after Kaitlyn's second birthday. I'm still unsure if I want to be pregnant again... as much as I look at K playing by herself and wish she had a brother or sister, I just dont know if I can handle it again. Plus with Aunt Donna and Uncle Charlie expecting her little cousin coming next month that might be good for her and she will be content. I dont know... it's a lot to think about and I guess we will decide soon enough!
Well, I'll do my best to update again soon but definitely after the meeting on Jan 12th with the EIP people!