Sunday, September 05, 2010
Difficulties & Kindergarten on the Horizon
It's also been a pretty meltdown filled summer as well... there has been a lot of routine changes and uprooting and changes in schedules and all kinds of instability for Kaitlyn and she has not handled any of it well. I do believe that has had a LOT to do with the regression and going into a regular public school kindergarten is only going to cause the regression to worsen. I'm looking forward to getting Kaitlyn back into a very rigid routine and hopefully control some of the outburts.
We did do a trial with her and took her off of her medication for a few weeks to see if it really was helping and we found that, though it doesnt seem like a lot, it is helping. Without the medication the outburts and meltdowns were horribly worse. She became very aggressive, angry, destructive and violent.
Now, as I mentioned, Kindergarten starts in a few days and acedemically Kaitlyn is more than ready. She has been doing workbooks at home and is doing 1st Grade work in them. She is starting to read a lot more too and LOVES LOVES LOVES learning and how things work and is constantly asking questions about things. She is my little "Johnny 5" and "needs input!"
Kaitlyn will be starting Kindergarten in a regular public school. For the first week of school the kids will all be clustered together and evaluated on their acedemic skills against their peers and then placed in a classroom with a teacher. We have no idea which teacher Kaitlyn will have but we do know that each class will have 1 teacher annd 25 students. We do NOT see this going over well as we all know how Kaitlyn does NOT do well with large groups and also is delayed when it comes to social, emotional and behavioral things. Basically we're going to send her into school for a few weeks and see how it goes before heading back to the CSE... we're going to tell the CSE exactly what we want for Kaitlyn (ultimately we want her to go to Crossroads) and if they do not agree to give it to us then we will be pulling Kaitlyn out of the public school and will be homeschooling her. We feel that she will be served better at her own acedemic pace and will then be able to spend time working more on her social, emotional and behavioral growth and then we can attempt 1st grade next year when she is a bit older and hopefully learned more skills.
It's all, again, a waiting game and we will see how things go!
Rotterdam Challenger Baseball
At a Crossroads (Center for Children w/Special Needs)

It was crazy how every single day of school in Preschool we fought and she cried and kicked and hid just trying to get her into the classroom and how I had to carry her in kicking and flailing and hand her to a teacher and walk away... then we go to Crossroads (who uses ABA methods there - AWESOME!!) and she ever so willingly and happily walked into class everyday, rarely even remembered to say bye to me or anything. She would go hang up her bag & lunch on her hook and go into class without a word. It was amazing how comfortable she was there.
In the short time she was there she definitely learned some sort of social skills because one time we went to the mall to let the kids play and a little girl asked Kaitlyn if she wanted to play and st first Kaitlyn started out her sentence with her own agenda BUT stopped herself short and said, "what's your name?" - something we HAVE never seen her do before!!!!! It was SUCH a huge thing... not to most people but to the parents of a child with Aspergers it was the most wonderful scene and put huge smiles on our faces and made us so proud!
Thank you Crossroads for giving Kaitlyn the few tools you were able to give her in such a short time!
Tyler got to spend some time in the Daycare room at Crossroads as well which was an integrated room (as was Kaitlyn's) and at first he was ok to go and play with his new friends but as the weeks went on he was more and more unhappy about leaving mommy.
They both "Graduated" from Crossroads Center on Aug 19th.
PreK Grad, Gym Show, Birthday, Dance Recital
We were not exactly happy with the CSE meeting in April as they "declassified" Kaitlyn telling us "we dont care about her behavior or if she can be with other kids, as long as she is able to learn." So we had everything taken away from us and we will be heading into Kindergarten with nothing. I'll get into that more in another post! :)
I'll start where I left off last. Kaitlyn did her Gym Show for dance in March and it was great, she was able to do many more of the gymnastic moves this year from the last! What an improvement! Her little Baton routine (we were unable to get pics because she was on the other side of the Gym! GRRR!!) was cute and she did SO well. It's amazing that a 4yr old can learn an do those things! She did wonderful and we're very proud of her for getting out there and doing it.
Again, Kaitlyn's dance Recital on the Big stage at Proctors was on the weekend of her Birthday so we ended up having a little party the weekend before for her at Chuck E Cheese (her choice!!!) with a few of the kids she knows and she had a great time. Overstimulated and overwhelmed and everything she still loved her party and had a wonderful time... she was able to tell the GIANT furry Chuck E Cheese character to stay away from her because she was uncomfortable and everything and I think being able to express her feelings about such things REALLY helped her enjoy herself.
On Kaitlyn's birthday/recital weekend we had Grandma Lois, Aunt Donna & the boys come and stay with us and Grandma Lois came to the Dance recital and afterwards we had a little BBQ Birthday party with just the family. Aunt Michelle, Uncle Jon and Cousin Ben came over too. It was a nice little party and we did cake and all that and just enjoyed the weekend together. Kaitlyn's actual birthday was on Sunday so Grandma took us all out to IHOP for breakfast in the morning to celebrate Kaitlyn's actual day. It was a great way to start her birthday day! :)
Kaitlyn did amazing at her Dance recital again this year. She is older now and able to express how she feels (and is also able to see now with her glasses) so she was VERY anxious and very scared to get up on the big stage but she did it anyway and made us all proud! She did a dance called Beautiful Baby and had an orange and black costume.
This season we're off to another year of Kinderdance (which MIGHT be her last year but we'll see at the end of the year). This year she needs both pairs of shoes, though I must say, we're pretty lucky to have gotten 2 yrs out of the same pairs of dance shoes!! That doesnt usually happen! She will still get plenty of use out of the baton we got last year so thats one less expense. She has already told me that she does not really want to do the show on the big stage but we're going to wait a little while and see how it's going when it comes time to pay for the costume. If she REALLY doesnt want to be on the big stage she doesnt have to. She IS, however, VERY excited about doing the gym show now that she has perfected doing a headstand!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Always a Mystery
K has been sick with a high fever for the past three days and hasn't been to school. She's not complaining of anything else, no ears, bladder, nothing to indicate why she has the fever... these things come and they are always a mystery to me!
One bit of big news... Kaitlyn's Gym Show is this coming Sunday. She has rehearsal on Saturday and then Sunday she will be doing a Baton routine and gymnastics-type routine. Hopefully I'm able to get pics and video while keeping little brother under control! HA!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 08, 2010
Need to Find Acceptance

Thursday, January 28, 2010
We went to see the Developmental Ped again for a follow up last week and we decided to keep her meds the way they are and just keep and eye on the behavior and see if it is getting worse, same or better. I decided that I'm going to start, yet another, behavior type log. I had stopped doing it because I got sick of writing the same things over and over but this one will be a little different and just simple. I just want to track a few things and check for patterns and things not find out WHY she is melting down... I know why those things happen!
So far her therapy at school has been so limited I dont see that she has gotten anywhere with it. She hasnt even had enough time with the therapist for me to go to the school and say anything about it. It's frustrating to say the least and I'm not one for playing this waiting game. Nothing else I can do though, I'm stuck in the muck on this one right now.
This week Kaitlyn has had two BM accidents at school. On Tuesday when she had one the teacher had her clean herself up and take care of everything on her own, which I understand the whole building independence thing, but Kaitlyn came home with a terribly raw rear from not cleaning well enough and she was crying because she couldnt sit down in the car it hurt so bad. Then today she had another accident. She said she was busy making her stairs (with Legos) and that she didnt want to leave them so she ended up waiting too long and barely made it to the bathroom with a small accident in her pants. In talking to Kaitlyn about it I could feel her anxiety coming out when she told me that she couldnt get the stairs to go "right" and she needed them to be right before she could go potty... also she feared that if she left them to go they might be gone when she came back and she was right... when she came out of the bathroom the legos were put away and the table was moved. She started crying as she told me that part. I can tell that those things make her anxious - she didnt get to put them away and clean up (her words) so I think she didnt get closure on that activity and it's extremely hard for her to move from one thing to another like that.
Tonight has been fun so far, while I was cooking dinner I told the kids to go find something to play with (we practically own a toy store here!!!) while I made dinner. That was just before 4:30pm and that began the screaming and crying meltdown. She had no idea what to play with that was fun and she was demanding that I find her something fun to do and on and on crying away... for a min or two she got quiet and I heard her Leapster2 game turn on so I figured she found something "fun!" Well little brother must have grabbed the game or something and the Leapster started acting funny and not playing the game correctly... this sparked her and escalated the meltdown and it continued on and on and on about how she couldnt play the game, it's not working right, it's broken, she'll never play it again, etc. By this time it was after 5pm and dinner was on the table and she sat down still in her meltdown (which I asked her to get control of if she were going to sit at the table with us). Well... she went to take a drink of her milk and decided that her milk was "too cold" and more escalation to screaming and crying and totally losing control. I ended up sending her to her room because that behavior is not appropriate at the dinner table. She needed to go up, get control of her behavior and center herself... over all the meltdown was 1 hour and 41mins of screaming and crying and stomping and flailing and she did end up with pretty much nothing to eat for dinner since she couldnt not get control of herself.
Now... I look at the moon phase and wonder... what am I in store for tomorrow & on the weekend with the schedule being crazy from the Baptism and since the moon is ALMOST full... I guess we'll find out!!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Missing Pieces
A little back story: At church they have this cloth ABC Train zip-up book-like thing. Inside are little cloth stuffed animals with letters on the back of them. Each of them goes in the matching letter car on the train. Well, it used to be downstairs with all the other toys in the play area. Somehow it ended up upstairs in the back of the church where there are coloring books and puzzles and quiet toys for the kids to keep busy while we enjoy service.
Well, on Sunday 1/10/10 Kaitlyn found that this toy had made its way upstairs and she was playing with it and putting all of the letters in their correct train cars. She (and I, just from watching her play with it) noticed that there were two animals missing from the train. They were all there when it was downstairs!! So she didn't mention it but I saw her looking through the bins and all over to try to find the missing letters. She didn't find them... she still never mentioned it but I knew it was kinda bugging her a little(and ME! but I didn't say or do anything of course). Then this past Sunday she was REALLY looking for the two missing letters and I knew it was really getting to her that she couldn't find them but it's not something she openly discussed so I thought once we left church it was something she forgot about. Ya know... I thought it bugged her at the moment of playing with it but once it was out of sight, you wouldn't think of it.
Apparently, for Kaitlyn, this is not true! She has been carrying this around for a week and a half!!! It has been eating away at her and last night she had a nightmare about it! Last night at almost 11pm I heard Kaitlyn upstairs crying and yelling out "Stop!, Stop!" and she wasn't calming down so I knew it was time for me to go up and see if it was a nightmare or night terror and try to help calm her. Well this is when she told me she had a bad dream about looking for the missing letters for the ABC Train at church. She said she looked every where for them, she looked in both bins upstairs and they weren't there. She was telling me this all while crying and very upset. This afternoon she told me why it was so scary. She said in her dream she was at church looking all around for the letters and when she looked up everyone was gone and she was alone at church and that was what scared her. I calmed her and told her that this Sunday I would help her look downstairs for the missing letters and not to worry about it. I then asked her why she was holding her head and yelling stop. She told me "to make it stop" I asked "to make what stop? your head?" She then got visibly upset and said "yes, 'cause it's going all crazy" and she waved her hands around her head. So I reassured her that we would look for the missing letters this Sunday and to try to get back to sleep. She did.
I truly believe that this is the reason she has been acting out more the past week and a half, the reason why she has been having bathroom issues at night. Her anxiety must have been heightened this past Sunday from seeing/playing with the toy and perhaps that is why she has been getting stuck in her dog character the since Sunday? Could this be why she has been acting out even more and having tantrums the past few days? It seems to me that it is... that she has been carrying this weight around with her all this time and that those missing pieces are bothering her so much because it's not complete, it's not perfect, or whole. I know that feeling... I will throw puzzles away if they are missing pieces for a long time because I can't stand them being with the other puzzles. I absolutely HATE when toys are missing pieces, it drives me bonkers... I just wonder if she is feeling that because of her OCD tendencies and preference of order, perfection...
Again, thing that make you go, Hmm?
We're off this afternoon for a drive down to the Developmental Pediatricians office in Woodstock, NY. I'll try to update how that appointment goes soon.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Ruff, Ruff
Anyway, getting her off to school was MORE than a challenge today but we did manage to get there just on time. When I picked her up, however, I was told that she was really good all day up until the end of school. She started acting like a Dog and then got "stuck" in the behavior/character even after being asked to stop. She continued to the point of spitting which caused her to get "in trouble" and to get a "yellow" for the day. The teacher said she seemed mortified by her own behavior and that she seemed unable to stop because she was "stuck."
She's always gotten "stuck" on things but it used to be with playing with things or other stuff... now that she is into becoming characters she gets stuck in them and ends up going too far. We handle her at home by ignoring/re-directing or telling her that "we're talking to Kaitlyn now" but she's obviously taking that behavior elsewhere... though I guess the more time she spends at school the more of the behavior they are finally going to see. I just wishing it would go away or get better rather than her seeming to be getting stuck in these characters more often. She's been caught up in being a dog for the past 2-3 days... to the point of completely not listening to us and ending up being yelled at or taking it to the point of doing something inappropriate and getting a time out. Some times she will go a few days only talking through her stuffed animal Mary and some days a robot or a cat. Sometimes she will get stuck being characters on TV and acting out episodes and will go so far into it that she ends up "going too far."
Is this just something she is going to do the rest of her life? We're going to have to help her get "unstuck" from things?? Will this type of thing be grown out of? Is this from the social part of her that is underdeveloped?? So many questions and only time will give us those answers, I guess.
Monday, January 18, 2010
So I spoke to the Therapist that goes to Kaitlyn's school to see her and mentioned a few things to her and one thing she asked me to look for during K's "play" was that when her toys have an issue come up does Kaitlyn come up with solutions. The answer is No! Since I got a few chances now to really sit and listen and then even with some prompting she has trouble figuring out solutions. We even give her a couple of choices and she will have trouble deciding but might go along with one of them.
Anyway, an example of what I mean... Kaitlyn will play with stuffed animals or her Polly Pockets and she will make them talk to each other (you can tell how bad she wants to have conversations with people but HATES that conversations aren't scripted or predictable! She would be a GREAT actress!!!) and then usually some problem will come up like Polly can't get her hat on and she (Polly) will be crying. What has been happening is that the problem comes up and she (Polly) will cry for awhile and then K will either move on to something else or she just goes on to another doll in some other situation or just starts a new conversation with Polly. It's interesting to watch and I've gotten to see her play out these "problems" with a few different animals/dolls now and each time the issue comes up but the solution never happens.
I'm not exactly sure what that means and why that is so important but hopefully the therapist can shed some light on that for me. If anyone has any ideas, let me know!! I'm curious to know where that leaves her social development/skills.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
No One Would Listen So I Just Gave Up
I talked to her a bit about it and told her if they didnt listen she needed to go tap the teacher and make them listen. I told her they have extra clothes there for that reason and she needs to tell them she needs to change.
Argh! How did no one KNOW?!?!?!?
Monday, January 11, 2010
Inhibitions, What?
Ah well... that was the only mention of poop during Church so thats a good thing!! :)
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Those Poor Poor People
Anyway, that was fun!
The whole Mary thing wasnt the only issue yesterday... since Jon picked her up at school she was tantrumish and I think that was the last straw. She was upset about things that happened at school and in general was having a bad day. The kid seems to be getting more confused about things with the social worker coming to see her. Ugh... this whole school thing is rough on her and she doesnt understand why the other kids "dont want to play with her" or why "they dont want to talk to me..." I'm not there to see whats going on but I wish I was. I wish I was there to help her or could get some feedback from her teachers. They are regular PreK teachers and are not trained to look for what I need them to look for or to help her with what she needs help with and that annoys the living crap out of me! AHHHHHHHH!!!
Anyway, she ended up being very tired today, fell asleep in the car at like 5:30pm and then both kids went to bed early. I think she is getting sick again. I just wish I didnt feel so helpless sometimes.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Sweet Little Girl
Well a little while later I went into the bathroom to go myself and sat down on the toilet and looked at the toilet paper roll... I was just in awe and said to myself "what a sweet little girl!" Why, you ask? Well... someone's little brother a bit earlier had gone in and unrolled a ton of toilet paper on the floor and I was getting them ready for bed so I figured I would just take care of it (roll it back up) after I got them to bed. Well... THAT is what took her so long in the bathroom... she spent all that time rerolling up the toilet paper from the floor AND going potty and brushing her teeth before bed!! She's such a sweetheart!! I'm sure she did it because of the whole ocd and thats not how the toilet paper should be but it was still awesome! :) She made me smile with something so simple without even knowing it!
Though when she woke up this morning I told her how wonderful it was and thanked her!!
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
I Can See Clearly Now the Rain is Gone
So on to the post! This morning seemed great, it's Tuesday and K loves school on Tuesday with the one teacher and only six kids! YAY! She got there, changed into her sneakers and went into the gym without a hitch! YAY again! Then... DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN... I picked her up. We got there and she was getting her coat on and changing into her snow boots and all that and then was yanking on me to get out of there as if she couldnt leave fast enough. She had the blankest look on her face, almost mopey and I asked her how her day was... she just kept her head down and said "boring." Which, DING! DING! DING! mom knows, is her default word for any "bad feeling." So... I tried to get it out of her on the way to the car, what was wrong but all I got was that she was "tired (yeah I could see that) and bored." Finally, IN the car, the truth comes out. I got her talking about her day with our *Rule: Must tell us 1 thing about your day. So she told me... and she was SOOOOO sad!!! She said "I tried to play and tried not to but I got frustrated." OMG OMG OMG OMG I'm freaking out that she is actually TALKING ABOUT HER FEELINGS!!!! YAY!!!!! So, holding it together, I questioned a little more and got what I needed! she finally, today, after all this time was able to tell me that she had a hard time playing with the other kids!!! Sounds stupid to be excited about that but it just means she is starting to understand it... that that type of thing doesnt come easy for her... that she will need help with it and will need to work on it! YAY!!! She's GETTING it!!! She's only FOUR!!! hahahaha
Ok so what I managed to get out of it all was that she had a fine time playing in the gym since it wasnt much back and forth play. Then they went up to the classroom and while they were playing playdoh and she asked for things and they were given to her or was doing things her way she was fine. THEN it got to a point where she tried playing with the other kids (not sure doing what) and they wanted to play a certain way and not her way... she said it made her very frustrated and upset. So I explained to her that it was ok for her to feel that way and that, for her, it's a little hard to play with other kids and understand when they can be so confusing. It is VERY confusing to her when at one point they will do "her will" and then all of a sudden they have their own ideas and plans!! She doesnt understand WHY they wont listen to her anymore or play "her way."
Anyway, I'm just glad to see that SHE is actually getting somewhere in this emotional/neurological mess she is in. There is so much hope for my little girl and she just needs the help and the push in the right direction. I wish we could get her there but it's going to be a fight to the end and I see it now. Hopefully over the summer we can get her into the program at Crossroads and she will have a fighting chance before Kindergarten!
Monday, January 04, 2010
Some Days are Just That
It's been a strange couple of days. Kaitlyn must have cabin fever or something... she had a VERY strange "Stim" day where she literally would not stop talking or NEEDING to do something and pushing ever boundary. We tried some "Pillow Play," which is some safe rough play for the kids (they get to be loud and jump all over pillows and off the couch into the pile and Daddy joins in!). However, by the end of the night we ended up having to use "compression" on her. Well I mean Daddy had to restrain her (lightly) and just let her wrestle in his arms to try to help get the "need" out of her. I don't know if it had anything to do with us mainly playing inside and then I took them out to play in the snow and the fresh air "went to her head" or what but she was having a rough time dealing with whatever it was going on inside of her.
Then yesterday we decided to take the kids to the mall and let them play in the play area. It's just freezing outside and they cant get much exercise there. Well there was a little boy there about Kaitlyn's age and he seemed to want to play with her (and the other kids!) and she really wanted nothing to do with him and did get rather frustrated (breaking down crying) when he was getting in the way of her imaginary ice cream store. So Daddy offered up the suggestion of "Closing up the shop" as a way of getting her to stop playing the ice cream store (since she was in a climbing thing in the middle of a public play area and we really couldnt KEEP people away from it! lol) and at the same time having some closure about it. She went over to close up her store and said "ok, ice cream shops closed up for the day!" just out loud but not to anyone inparticular. The little boy yells out "No it's NOT!" and says started to get upset again and said "Yes, I'm closing up my shop" and the boy says "well, mines NOT!" He didnt seem like the nicest kid around but whatever - I'm not his parent - I dont think I liked her much either, but thats a whole other story! Anyway, what I'm getting at is that that whole thing socially... just didnt work out well.
Then I noticed a VERY peculiar thing!!! There was a young girl there (preteen? Maybe 10yrs old) and she started playing around on some of the equipment with a couple of other girls. I noticed Kaitlyn all of a sudden CLUNG to this girl. She must have said Hi to Kaitlyn or something and then K asked her name... cool! However, Kaitlyn then started mimicing EVERYthing... and I mean EVERYthing this little girl did. The way she walked, any sound she made, the way she climbed on something, sat on something... it was one of the ODDEST things I have ever seen and we had to STOP her because the poor girl was going to freak out that this little girl was following her around getting WAY too close in her personal space and literally doing EVERYthing she was doing. Kaitlyn must have taken to her because she really looked like a much older version of herself! She was thin like K and had brown hair like K. It makes me wonder if K was trying to BE that little girl... or emulate her or whatever it's called. She saw that the little girl had a relationship/friendship with the two other older girls that had come in the play area and I think she wanted that too! It was amazing to watch and scary at the same time... because THAT is why kids think other kids are "weird."
We did end up having to tell Kaitlyn that she needed to give the girl some space because she might "get bored" of her following her around like that... Jon chose that word because Kaitlyn understands boredom... he thinks had he told her the little girl would get annoyed that might have been a bad thing lol! It did work and she would only periodically do the mimicing thing and Jon would remind her to stop and she did.
She ended up, obviously, being triggered by the whole play area thing and finally managed a tantrum and breakdown after dinner and before leaving the mall. I ended up just picking her up and carrying her (most of the way - Daddy finished!) out of the mall crying over my shoulder. For some reason she just needed to get that out! I really think she felt better after... it was interesting to see and enlightening at the same time!!